Glock question

I was in a gun shop a few weeks ago and overheard the salesguy tell a customer that Glock had changed the design on the .40 guns, from an unsupported chamber to a fully supported one. How much water does this hold? I tried to locate the info on my own through a series of searches, but came up wmpty handed. I suspect that it is another one of the gun shop myths that are floating around.


New member
I doubt that Glock would change their barrel design because that would be admitting responsibility for all the Kb's. The only way to get true "Glock Perfection" is to put in a BarSto barrel.


New member
No Glock barrel is fully supported, not even a BarSto. KB's don't happen because of the barrel geometry, they happen because of overpressure rounds for various reasons(double charge, bullet setback, weak cases) The only changes for Glock are 3 pin frames on the 9mm's, loaded chamber indicator via a 'bump' on the extractor, and the frame lock.


New member
Sounds like a sales pitch to me.. not one *I* would use, but some will attempt any BS that sounds plausible to make a sell. :rolleyes: Researching here, the internet as a whole and the credible gun rags would be your best source for the straight scoop.

But to answer your question, ... I doubt they've changed one iota. If it had, you could rest assured Glock would have plastered the market touting the fact to help squelch the Kb press that looms over their pistols chambered in that caliber. I haven't noticed a peep out of Smyrna about it, or Austria for that matter..

Just my .02,

well the other thing i heard this guy say was that HK were the only pistols that were able to function flawlessly underwater, totally untrue.

but he did say that Glock had issued a recall on ALL of the .40 models for new bbls.

i feel sorry for the poor sap that would believe any of this guy's bs


New member
I would be the first to admit that Glocks are not perfect (I own 4 at present) but the load of BS generated by that salesman should have set BS meters off for three counties.