Glock owners only.

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EMS dude

New member
I'm just curious. I have been hearing a lot of horror stories about Glocks lately. Have any Glock owners out there experienced any problems? if so, what kind of problems.

I'm starting to think I have the only trouble free Glock made.

Please, I know its hard, but no Glock flames. Thankyou.

I'm also going to post this question on Glock talk.


I've owned a G21 for about 10 yrs. The only problem I've ever had was getting my lead flatpoint bullets to feed in it at first. (yes, lead. My choice, I know the warnings and KB possibilities so no need to reiterate that) It also wont set off large rifle primers, I load my own shotshells from cut down reformed 308 brass.

Other than that, it's always went bang when I wanted it to and never went bang when I didn't want it to.


New member
I have never had a problem with any of the five Glocks I have owned. However, I also realize that these are only five out of...millions??? Also, I only use quality ammo and keep my firearms clean.

As the wise man said, your mileage may vary.


New member
Have had a first generation Glock 17 for CCW for around 15 years. About 1000-1500 rounds per year. No malfunctions. Bought a Glock 27 as soon as the store got one when they came out. No malfunctions.


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I have a G23 and a G26. Both have performed flawlessly as have my Rugers (P95 and P944). I use many brands of ammo in all of them, have not found anything, yet, that any of them will not digest. Accuracy is great with all four, reliability has been terrific.

The main 'scares' with Glocks all seem to involve reloads, both commercial and otherwise and the 40S&W cartridge (high pressure round). Some of the bad press is the same incident(s) repackaged several times because something of this nature makes for great gossip and good fodder for the insecure "if I don't own it, it must be a POS" groupies.

If you reload your own and are meticulous in your measures and settings, you should have no problems. You may want to keep away from non-jacketed bullets, frequently check the bore for fouling or get an aftermarket barrel with conventional rifling.

Personally, I don't reload. I used to, but after splitting the cylinder on a Ruger BlackHawk, I gave it up. My attention to details leaves something to be desired. For the sake of safety, I disposed of my reloading equipment years ago.


New member
I have a first genertion 19 and 20. On the 19, the extractor became chipped because when I first got the gun in 1989, I did the naive mistake of putting a round in the chamber and letting the slide go home. After a few months of this, I noticed occasional failures to eject. Did an inspection and realized the error of my ways.

Not the gun's fault- just the stupid owners!

So far no problems from either gun.

Chris W

New member
Gee, I've only got a pathetic 800 or so rounds in my G17 of this year's vintage, but It Is Perfect on the 4 or 5 different kinds of ammo that comprise that 800. I couldn't be happier I went with Glock.



New member
I have owned Glocks since 1994 and have put thousands of rounds through them - all models, all calibers. Never had a problem, nor have my shooting buddies. We must be lucky.


New member
No complaints about my Glock 27. I really like as my CCW weapon.

I also own Rugers, Tauri and a Kimber. The 27 usually gets to go out with me most of the time.


Four Glocks, a lotta years, a lotta rounds--no problems.

Why we hear about Glock problems all the time.

1. There are LOTS of Glocks. As an example, there are 30% more members at GlockTalk than here at TFL. Pretty impressive when you consider that TFL is a general gun forum--rifles, pistols, shotguns, all brands and makes--while GlockTalk is dedicated to a specific brand of semiautomatic pistol.

2. There are LOTS of people who really hate Glocks and take every opportunity to bash them. I suspect that there are more than one or two here at TFL who actually spend time scouring the web trying to find negative information to post here.

3. There are LOTS of people who absolutely refuse to follow instructions and have induced unsafe conditions and situations in their Glocks by ignoring or refusing to follow manufacturer recommendations. Unfortunately, in a couple of respects, Glocks are very intolerant of such treatment.

Good glocking,



The only problem with my Glocks is that they make other autos feel inferior.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I got what I think to be one of the first Glock 17s in the country, at least for civilian sale. I have fired it off and on, and have had no problems at all. I know a number of owners of other Glocks and have not heard (other than on the net) of any problems.

I have followed the blow up claims, but have no answer. In spite of this, I believe that the Glock is one of the best and most reliable pistols ever made.

All that being said, I don't really like Glocks.

No, I don't go searching for bad things to say about them. I think a lot of that is due to Glock owners who have so idolized the pistol (it's a gun, dammit, not a god) that others have become iconoclasts just to rebuff the extreme Glock worshippers.



New member
Glock are solid weapons. No human mechanical device is perfect.

When I carried one on a daily basis, I did have a couple FTFs, but those were traced to weak springs. Preventative maintenance? Go figure.:p


New member
3rd Gen G19, March 2000 production.

14,000 rounds.

Multiple failures to fire at 2,700 rounds. Dirty striker channel. Cleaned at 2000 GSSF match.

Multiple failures to fire at 11,000 rounds. Cleaned firing pin channel again.

Trigger reset spring failed at 13,500 rounds. Replaced.


New member
Well, my G20 used to eject erratically. I sent it to Glock for the extractor/ejector upgrade and now it functions like clockwork.

Love them Glocks. :)


New member
I have a G17, first gen. It was a police academy range gun, and I bought it from the guy that bought it from the shop it was traded to for a new one. God only knows how many rounds it has gone through. I have shot at least 15K through it, and it was a little loose when I got it.

I have had ZERO problems with it.

All that said there is a local shop that specializes is police gear and police department sales. The owner will not sell the turn in Glocks even though he has every right to do so, he wholesales them out to the large outfits you see in Shotgun news or sends them back to Glock for reman and credit on new ones. I know the guy and he is not kidding. He claims several blowups as the cause of this. All of the blowups that he could personally confirm (he sends them back to Glock for repair) in the last 2 years were lead bullets or recent manufacture 40 and 45 cal guns. Lead bullets were one in three recent failures according to him. In all failures that he has seen the barrel split lengthwise from the chamber toward the muzzle in a horizontal plane. I saw a 17 fail in the same manner back in 91-92 timeframe from lead bullets and/or over pressure reloads. The mag catch was ripped off of all of them also as the mags left the pistol in quick fashion. He claims to have personally seen 13 guns after the KB, and says he has sold over 1000 of them.

I trust this guy or I would not type this, I believe him. I also believe that your odds of getting a bad Glock are extremely long.
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