Glock or CZ?


New member
I have been wanting a 9mm pistol, and cannot decide on a CZ P-01 or a Glock 19. The P-01 fits my hand like a dream so I am leaning towards it. I can get a new Glock for a little less. The Glock feels good in my hand, but does not point real well for me. I hear once you get used to it you'll like it. Any suggestions?


New member
One fits and one doesn't. Do you want to spend the time getting used to the one that doesn't fit or have fun shooting the one that does?


New member
AS noted earlier, go with the one that fits you now, not one you have to learn to fit. Glocks are great pistols, but I shoot my CZs a lot more than my Glocks because the CZs are a lot more comfortable to use. I think that I could live the angle of the Glock grip more if my third generation examples didn't have those darn finger grooves on them. My hand doesn't really fit in them and I have to wigggle around them to get a consistent, strong grip. That's just my experience, your results may vary.


New member
You won't know which one "fits" you, until you shoot 'em both. How it feels in a static situation isn't the same as how it feels when firing. Shoot them both; buy the one that then feels better to you.


New member
You won't know which one "fits" you, until you shoot 'em both. How it feels in a static situation isn't the same as how it feels when firing. Shoot them both; buy the one that then feels better to you.


Buy the one that you shoot better.

Eric Larsen

New member they feel in your hand is worth points but not the grand total.
Both are great guns.......Im a CZHead....but some prefer Glocks over many other guns as well. Shoot both and go from there...if you dont, you could make a mistake that Cost you alot to fix......
Shoot well.


New member
Yeah, right

CZ's are so darn reliable, that they have an add on bayonet/knife you can slide right on the rail......just in case the gun fails, i guess.
Shows how much faith they have in their own product!LOL :D


New member
HVR, have you ever shot a cz? owned a cz? seen a cz?

Your comment here is sort of like your thread asking for best 22lr...annoying.


New member
Sorry Berreta Cougar.....

Sorry if my posts annoy you! :)
Can see why you would be annoyed by my asking for the best .22 SD round? I always laugh at these statements. Why does it concern you? Just read and go on.
Other people put down Glocks and I can state my opinion or just laugh at some of the things they say, but I certainly don't get mad or annoyed.

We are all entitled to state our opinions here without every getting so dang defensive.
My only point was why does CZ advertise that they can slide on the bayonet on their pistol. I saw it at the shot show, and yes, I have seen CZ's. It was their major marketing ploy, in their adds. Now does that make it a better weapon, or what's that all about?

Under what "tactical" senario are you going to use that thing? Only when the weapon fails?
So I was just being a little sarcastic.
Sorry if that annoys you.
No I have never shot nor held a CZ, but that doesn't mean anything either.
I wasn't commenting so much on the gun, as their marketing ploy.
Still one vote for the glock.
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New member
"The P-01 fits my hand like a dream so I am leaning towards it." I think you answered your own question. The better it fits your hand, the easier it will be to shoot and hit your target.

I used to carry a Glock for CCW; the grip was a little awkward for me, but I figured I'd get used to it. Then I looked at a CZ in a local gun store; there was no comparison. Now I have 2 CZs and no Glocks. If the P-01 is a little thick for you (light rail), look at the PCR too. Basically the same gun without the lightrail.


New member
HVR, 3 words

Out Of Ammo

Doesn't make it a "weapon failure"

What about all the glock accessories that people have?

Asking people which is better is like asking people whose farts stink least. You are going to get a lot of different opinions.


New member
Thank yall for the input. I mainly want a 9mm for cheaper shooting. I'm going broke feeding my bigger calibers. I have a carry gun, so size isnt a concern, and I do want a light rail to hang my M3 on. Need a pistol to back up my shotgun beside my bed. Another reason I considered a Glock is I can get a 357 sig and another barrel in 9mm. The compact Glocks feel better in my hands than the full size for some reason, I have big hands. I'm in no hurry to make a purchase so I will take my time with it. Hell, maybe i'll get both. :D


New member

If size is NOT a concern, get a 75B or 75 Retro. They will have generally better triggers than the P01, and offer you C/L carry OR DA. You also may like the grip better. The P01s are TOTALLY reliable, with good accuracy, but have grittier triggers than the 75B series. But, if you can handle the gun you are buying, and like the trigger - I say get the CZ. It feels like a real gun, and looks WAY cool. (Besides, they are great pistols despite my criticism).


New member
You said you can get the glock for cheaper than the CZ? Where are you looking at CZs? They're cheaper than glocks around here. Maybe you're being overcharged.

The Body Bagger

New member
You said you can get the glock for cheaper than the CZ? Where are you looking at CZs? They're cheaper than glocks around here. Maybe you're being overcharged

I'm in the same boat as the original poster. The CZ P-01 is more than the Glock 19. $489 vs $459.


New member
Asking people which is better is like asking people whose farts stink least. You are going to get a lot of different opinions.

I nearly busted a gut on that one. :D I can't say I've ever heard it put quite like that.

The P-01 fits my hand like a dream so I am leaning towards it.
I think that about says it all.

In my mind getting the correct fit is over half the battle. I have not had any luck finding a CZ that works for my hand size, but a Glock 19 is a pretty good fit.


New member
Own 4 Glocks and like them. Have shot several friend's CZs. They were all reliable and as reasonably accurate as my Glocks. I'm not much help, am I? :)


New member
i find that the cz's that i have shot had been dramaticly more accuratre than the glock that i have encountered....(a cz75 p-01, 97b and 75B vs glock 17c,19,23, 32) but i also cannot say that i am accustomed to the grip angle of the glock, or the trigger...each glock i have shot were months apart....

i like the cocked and locked capability that cs SA guns an DA/SA guns provide, and with minor adjustments the trigger can be match grade...

just my 2...