Glock locking block damage?


New member
Hey guys, I have had my G20 for about a year now and have had 0 issues with it. I have about 1k through it so far. I shoot factory and reloaded ammo but, I don't push the limits on my loads.

I put a Lone Wolf barrel in it about 4 months ago and it has worked fine.

I took the slide off today and noticed a dent/divot on the locking block.

I am ordering a new one but, wanted to try and figure out what the cause was so I can try and avoid this problem if it was something I may have done?


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I would check the lug on the LoneWolf barrel. If it's got a matching mark somewhere or a culprit that sticks out. It's probably the LoneWolf barrel. I'd run the Glock OEM barrel with factory loads for a while and see if something comes up. If not, it's definitely our LoneWolf barrel.


New member
Thanks, I checked the LW barrel and there was some marring on the sides of the locking lug but, not where the spot on the locking block is damaged would contact.

I sent LW a email with pictures of the marring and see what they come up with?

My stock barrel does not show any ware and it has about 3x the rounds through it that the LW barrel does.


New member
The mark on the locking block appears very similar to the one on my Glock 22 Gen4.

I suspect it's left from the manufacturing/molding/casting process and is not a defect.

This manufacturing mark is different from the locking blocks in my older Glocks.


New member
Lone Wolf

Just a comment. Last time at the range their was an Asiatic Gentleman in the lane next to me. Was firing a Glock with a Lone Wolf barrel he had installed. He was new to shooting and seemed to be hesitant to talk. I noticed that MANY of his bullets were "key holing" and passing through the target side ways. He was firing at 8 yards. I politely pointed this out to him as being abnormal and perhaps dangerous as he was packing up.

I hoped he would have me look at the pistol. As I was curious if he was somehow firing the wrong caliber cartridges. I told him I recommended he let someone go over the pistol as it should certainly not be key holing. I've never seen anything like it. The pistol was firing semi-auto reliably and ejecting. I had a suspicion he may have been firing 9mm through a 40 cal. barrel. I've read that in some instances the ejector will hold the smaller round sufficiently enough to fire.


New member
Key Hole

Possibly could be the paper. However, I doubt it - as I've shot up every type target the indoor range sells (using several calibers). And I've not seen any -"key holing" in my targets or anyone else's, and I shoot weekly.


New member
Thanks guys for the info on the casting mark. I had already ordered a new locking block before I read these post so I guess I have a spar! LOL