Glock Gen 4 Notice

Will Beararms

New member
Dear GLOCK Armorer:
On September 6, 2011, GLOCK Inc. will begin voluntarily exchanging the recoil spring assembly (RSA) on its new Gen4 pistols shipped since 2009 GLOCK’s product development team has modified various elements of the RSA to ensure each pistol’s performance meets the company’s demanding standards. With several variations of the RSA in the market today, GLOCK’s goal with this voluntary exchange is to standardize the RSA to gain the best possible performance in each pistol.
Armorers should note that Gen4 G26 and G27 models will not require a modified recoil spring.
The new RSA’s all have unique markings on the base of the part. The enclosed chart is designed to help you readily identify the correct RSA for your pistol.
Unless a directive is mandated by your agency or your store, the replacement of the Gen4 pistol’s RSA can be performed as part of the regular field-strip process. Agencies or Consumer’s wishing to participate in the exchange program at no charge are urged to call 1-877-745-8523 to order their new RSA.
For more information on the details of the exchange program, visit


New member
Oh Lord, let me get my flame shield on :eek:. Regardless, it is good to see that Glock is addressing the concerns of its consumers, actual problems aside.

Will Beararms

New member
It's really not a big deal. They will handle it. I do think it is sad that they released the Gen. 4 before the bugs were worked out. They ruled the world with the best pistol for the money in the universe with the Gen. 3's----ruled it nay owned it.

American Eagle

New member
And the games have just begun:D

They ruled the world with the best pistol for the money in the universe

How can you claim that the Glock Gen 3 is the best pistol in the whole universe? Given the possibility of advanced life in other parts of our universe, that sure is a pretty bold statement.:confused:

I have much doubt that the Glock is even the best pistol for your money on this planet. It is a good gun, but saying that it is the best is a pretty subjective statement on your part, and others are bound to disagree.

Will Beararms

New member
AE: I am not a Glock owner nor a Glock fan. I repeat: I am not a Glock owner nor a fan.

For what you pay for them or more applicably, what LE contracts go for, they are a great bang for the buck, pun intended. They are fairly rust impervious and they work.


New member
Agencies or Consumer’s wishing to participate in the exchange program at no charge are urged to call 1-877-745-8523 to order their new RSA.
For more information on the details of the exchange program, visit

Terrific post! Thanks for the info. I called the number, to order mine, today.

Will Beararms

New member
Yeah half of my motivation was a friendly poke in the ribs but hey I respect the Glock loyalists and as such, I felt they needed to be in the know on this one.

Will Beararms

New member
I am just here to stir the pot. I don't have the specifics. ;) I am not 100 percent certain so I will step aside and let someone else who knows come forth.


New member
My spring got fixed after I called Glock and told them my problem, Gen 4 G19, Spring didn't work well with target loads. Now it works wonderful.
I believe, someone will correct me if i'm wrong, that the original issue was Glock tried to use the same RSA for the 9mm models that was being used on the .40 S&W models for parts commonality. Most 9mm loads are not stout enough to reliably cycle with the .40 spring installed so now glock is replacing all the springs on the 9mm models with 9mm specific RSA's.