Glock G17 v. G19 v. G26


New member
Forgive me if this has been asked before, I searched but didn't quite find what I was looking for.

I shot a G26 today and absolutely loved the feel. The only thing I didn't like, for a regular shooter, not CCW, was the length of grip. So I'm looking hard now at the G17 and G19. Aside from the obvious size differences do you guys have feedback as to other key benefits of each one? This would be strictly for general use, h/d.


New member
The G17 will have a longer sight radius, so may be more accurate for you (although I shoot both equally well).

G17 mags = 17 rounds.
G19 mags = 19 rounds (just kidding....15 rds)

Either one will go bang every time, given good ammo. I carry a G19 myself.

john in jax

New member
I like and shoot the 19 better, I have no idea why I just do.

The bbl on the 17 is only half-a-inch longer than the 19 - IMO insignificant.

The mags of either/any of the Glock 9mm's can be fitted with the +2 mag floor plates. It'll boost the model 19 to 17 rounds and the model 17 to 19 rounds.


New member
You do know that there are grip, or mag extenders available? They also will add a +1 or2 depending on the model. They dont really add much the OAL grip. Make very little difference for CC with the extender. Check into the pierce extenders, they're cheap 10 bucks.


If you use either a G19 or G17 mag with an A&G mag sleeve, the grip of your G26 will be the same as the G17 and G17.


do you target shoot? do you ccw?

It's a pretty straight forward lineup.
the 17 is the biggest and noticeably the most accurate, the 26 is the smallest and most concealable, and the 19 is neither the most accurate or the most concealable, it's a good middle ground.

having said that, for home defense i'd get a glock 17, for ccw i'd get a glock 26, and for target shooting i'd get a glock 17. The 19 doesnt do anything that the 17 doesnt do better except for being concealable.. but for that i'd choose the 26... so for me, the g19 doesnt have a place.

I have a glock 17, a glock 26, and my glock 19 was replaced by a beretta px4 storm that i absolutely love.


New member
To me there is no versus, all have their place and all have their jobs to do.

The G19 is a compromise on the other two. It is also my first choice for nearly everything. There is almost nothing a G17 or a G26 can do that the G19 can't.

I have a 26 and a 17 but I have :eek: 6 G19's and a 17L ;)


New member
If you absolutely will not be carrying it, I say G-17 for maximum controlability and capacity.

If you want to carry it all of the time, get a G-26. When you need a place for your pinky use a +2 extension or a pinky extension.

If you want an HD, range, GP pistol, and MIGHT use it for CCW at some point, get the 19.

I have the 17 and 26, and don't suffer much speed loss when shooting rapidly with the little pistol. The bullet holes end up a bit further apart, but not hugely so. I can hit a silhouette solidly from 50 yards with either, so accuracy is a wash too. But I can carry the 26 on an OWB, comfortably and unnoticed, and not restrict my movement. I CAN conceal a 17, but have to be wary of the danged grip.

But to sit beside the bed, it's the big gun (with night sights) and a full stick. And for fun at the range, I have a 17 round mag with a +2. Add one up the pipe and you can get quite a bit of shooting in before the reload.


New member
If its just for home defense, and range use, as you mentioned, then definitely the 17.

Hands Down.

I have a Glock 26 for concealed carry, and love it. You can't go wrong either way!


New member
I think this advice has really helped me. I plan on picking up the 17 first, for *just* target, HD and general shooting. For CCW I'll go another route, I'm seriously considering a revolver for that.

Incidentally, shot a PPK today that could serve that CCW purpose and it tore up my hand.


New member
Even though Glocks are "Modular," they all seem to have a different feel, at least to me. I prefer the mid-size models such as the G19 and G30. Something is subtly different about the geometry of the finger grooves, rear arch, etc., that fits my hand better. Or maybe its all in my head! Either way, I prefer the 19.


New member
I have a 17 AND a 26:D most love the 19 but finger groves just didn't quite feel right for me. maybe if i found a gen 2 or one someone had shaved the grip on but since I can CC a 17 under a regular t-shirt it ain't a big deal.