Glock fails to explode...

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New member
just noticed today that my G22 hasn't blown up. The rails haven't failed either. And it din't AD/ND. And it has digested thousands of rounds without a failure.

What a I doing wrong? Did I get a counterfeit Glock?


New member
Neither did mine. My Beretta slide didn't break, my SIG frame didn't crack, my HK firing pin didn't break, and my XD didn't FTE either!

I'm on a roll; gonna buy some Powerball tickets... ;)


New member
Thanks Gunner, I stopped in Orem once, and I have been to the John Browning Museum - on my honeymoon (I married well - our trip included the Winchester Museum in Cody, Wy. and a short stop at GUNSITE). I still have my pictures of the very first .45, touched by the masters hands!!


New member

and you know what's worse?

Tomorrow it won't blow up, AD/ND, lose rails, etc. Damn thing is a real pain. I need to trade it for something that will fail properly.


New member
Glocksters are such easy targets!
I fired one of the 1st Glocks to come into the country (I write for some gun rags). After 2 mags, my hand stung - not hurt, just a sting. Last month, I tried another one in 9mm - it pointed better, but again, my hand stung. I may grip it too tight, to loose, whatever, they just don't work for me. If you like them, fine - but don't be so sensitive, or your Tactical Tupperware will continue to draw fire.


New member
You mean it didn't just go off because of the lack of safetys???

thats freaking amazing I am always reading about cops who's glocks just go off for no reason.


The lawyers are waiting for your calls...

Dewey, Cheatum and Howe, LTD.

Mal H

Do we really need this at this time? Answer: No.

I'm not sure which of the three groups is worse at instigating the other, Glock Owners/Lovers, Goaders of Glock Owners or Glock Haters. But I do know all three groups make it difficult to moderate a handgun board. I see very little sympathy or understanding between the groups.
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