Glock Extended Mag Release w/Fobus Holster GL2


New member
I have had trouble with my mag release button as my hands are small. I found it difficult to opperate the stock release on my Glock 23 .40 cal. I installed a (Glock factory produced) extended release and the difference is like day and night as they say. I also use a Fobus GL2 holster and I notice that my newley installed extended release has very slight contact with the holster. I suspect that this could be trouble, causing my mag. to be released pre-maturly (I hate when that happens) when least expected. As of now, I only use this holster on the range and I don't expect it to be a problem. However, I have a question or two that perhaps someone can answer for me. :confused:

1). If I take my Dremel rotory tool and remove the slightest amount of holster material, will this solve the problem?

-Has anyone done this with success?

2). Someday, when I master this firearm I will carry it in other styles of conceled holsters.

-Has anyone had issue with this combination with other brand and style of holsters?

-Is there a brand of holster that will avoid this problem without modification?

I think I saw a post dealing with this issue but I have not located it as yet. I would welcome your thoughts on this topic, or refrence to the location of other posts of this topic.

Thanks to all who have assisted me in my first few weeks of Firing Line Forum. This is a Great educational place to hang out!

:cool: ;) :) :D


New member
Extended magazine release

Extended magazine release
I have a 1990 ventage Glock 21, which was suppose to have the "extended magazine" as standard.
I have learned to bring my hand around to activate the release, with no problem. I also, have 2 Fobus holsters for my 21...No problem.


New member
Hi Madison,

Thanks for your reply. I am not sure we are talking about the same thing here. I mean that the button I push to release my magazine was replaced. The new button sticks out away from the grip about 1/4" further than the stock button. My clip is the standard 10 round mag, and not extended. With my new extended "buton" installed, my clip is now ejected more aggressively than before. It shoots the mag out of the grip with some force. Before the button change, it would only release the mag. and then I had to pull the clip out with my hand.

It is the new longer button that hits the holster (unlike the shorter button)causing it to trip the release and shooting the mag. out of the grip.

I am not sure if you are talking about the extended button or the extended magazine. Either way, thanks for your reply :D


Extended releases are great for competition when accidentally dropping a mag out of your gun won't get you killed.


New member
Extended mag releases,safeties, slide releases and trigger shoes should not be used with holsters - they are not safe.