Glock extended mag problem


New member
My G33 has always been reliable. I recently purchased a G32 mag for it. Today at the range I had several failure to feed and or go into battery. Is this common for an extended mag? My 9 round mags didn't have any issues.


I have no experience with the 32/33.

But in 9mm I've used everything from the 10-round factory mags in my G26 up to the 33-round 'happy sticks', and all size mags with the factory +2 extensions, both in practice and training classes.

Never a problem with mine although various people on the web have had problems.
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New member
Make sure you're not putting any force on the extended portion of the magazine. Also if the magazine was used it might need a new spring.

There were some problematic G32 magazines about a year and a half ago. Many of them are probably still on store shelves. I've heard several people say that Glock replaced the magazines for them once they explained the issues they were having. Some people "fixed" the magazines themselves by removing the little plastic "nubs" in front of the feed lips.

G23 magazines had the same issues about 8 months ago.
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