Glock can Compete for the Joint Combat Pistol

Hard Ball

New member
Most people assume Glock cannot meet the JCP reqiirements because they call for a non developmental pistol and require many of the 645,000 pistols to have an external manually operated safety. Glock has made production lots of their pistols with an external thumb safety. These were made to obtain foreign police contracts. They have never been sold in the United States, but they do make Glock eligible to compete if they want to.


New member
How does glock intend to address the second hammer strike requirment?With out a true DA mechinism or external hammer the point is moot.


New member
Glocks problem with trying to come up with a modified design for some U.S. Mil contract, has to do with the system we operate under...once you sell the design to uncle sam its no longer totally under your control. It could also
be built by another contractor on the next batch.(while you have to stand by and watch somebody else build your pistol using blue prints you had to supply)...Gaston Glock dont want any part of that system, plain and simple.

281 Quad Cam

New member
Gaston Glock is riding a tidal wave of cash on the widespread success of his guns in law enforcement, militaries, other government agencies, and huge civilian market success. There is alot of demand for his pistols, and Gaston controls all the production of them in his own factories.

Why would he ever want to give away the rights and blueprints to his pistol, so that the military can give those rights and blueprints to anyone and everyone it sees fit? The U.S. Military is not likely to allow a contract where Glock produces 100% of the pistols for them. They would want the rights to give the contract to the lowest bidder!

What is the contract for the JCP worth? Does it even match what Glock makes in one year on the civilian market?