Glock, Beretta, and Ruger getting ready to do a S&W?

Justin Moore

New member
I'd love to see the actual TEXT of the agreement, to see what they REALLY signed off on. As you are all aware I'm sure, the S and W agreement/capitulation turned out to be a LOT more than what it was initally described to be.
OK, this would appear to be the United Nationsl thing.

Quite frankly, I don't think it's nearly as bad as the agreement that Smith & Wesson signed with the US Government.

No, it's not good, but comparatively, it's child's play. Serial numbers are already stamped on the freaking guns, how are they going to mark them any more definitively?


New member
how about if they etch your national gun owner id number
into your cylinder while you wait your mandatory 30 days?

Captain, I fully agree with you.

DZ, we're coming to the point where I really think that one of these days they're going to be tattooing the number on our forearms...

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
We can't do anything without a copy of the document. If the agreement is as reported, I'm not that worried about it in the grand scale--it just requires internationally what the U.S. already does. But these are the same people who said S&W agreed to provide trigger locks with its guns.
It doesn't seem to be available on the website. I guess a hard copy letter is next. The U.N. is not bound by any of our sunshine laws, but do they have some sort of requirement in their bylaws that we can cite?
Maybe we can get a copy from Glock, Beretta or Ruger.

Just off the top of my head, I would say that if Beretta international signed it, they must have thought it was pretty harmless. Glock I'm not as sure about, but they do at least seem to be sensitive to the danger of ticking off American gun owners.


New member
Mike, it will be bar codes (I recommend the forehead) instead of numbers, or an implanted chip. No I am not kidding.

I would like to see the agreement first. There is pretty simple leverage the U.N. can use, the large military contracts they control. Also, nations that back this may shut down non-compliant companies, or nationalize them for the countries best interests. At least we all know how honest and trustworthy public servants are.

It is true that serial numbers already serve the function. I have not read through every article about what the U.N. is demanding. They may very well be knowingly asking for something that already exists, so they may claim victory.