Glock = Anna Kournikova


New member
I was reading Tom B's post earlier about the "ugly" Glock 30, and it got me thinking.
I think that Glocks are the Anna Kournikova's of the pistol world. Everybody goes ga-ga over the Russian tennis player...WHEN SHE'S ON THE TENNIS COURT. Think about it. On the tennis court, she's the hottest thing going. But if you stick her on a beach in LA or on the Arizona State University campus, she's just a moderately above average "face in the crowd". She's not the hottest chick around, and she hasn't won crap on the tennis court. Same thing with Glocks. All the myopic Glock owners are like horny males watching Anna play tennis. They think that Glocks are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but they really aren't that special in the grand scheme of things. They aren't the most accurate, they aren't the most ergonomic, they don't have the smoothest action, they aren't the least finicky about what they eat, etc. They, like Anna, seem great when you shoot them on the same range as someone shooting Kel-Tec's (Sanchez-Vicario), Jennings (Venus Williams), or Hi-Points (Lindsay Davenport). But there are certainly sexier babes and better tennis players than Anna.

Sorry, I couldn't keep all this to myself. It is, after all, just an opinion.


New member
A faulty premise but an interesting read...

I don't see too many tennis coaches mimicing Anna's form or strategy, yet there are many, many pistol makers following Gaston's lead.

The Glock is the alpha male amoung a whole pack of lesser animals of the same stripe. It's interesting just how many pistols have been "improved" by going synthetic including that old antique design that the likes of Wilson, and Kimber cling to in desperation.

Glock Perfection is much more than just a marketing slogan, it's a metaphysical truth! :)

Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!

Marko Kloos

New member
You are completely right in that the Glocks are neither the most ergonomic nor the most accurate handguns on the market. They do, however, combine a lot of qualities in a package that is unmatched. They are light, virtually indestructible, impervious to corrosion, extremely reliable, very accurate and reasonably priced. My SIG and my Beretta are both prettier and more accurate than my Glock, but I carry the Glock every day because the other guns compromise either size & weight or durability for the added good looks and accuracy.

Glocks are the best practical fighting tools on the market, and any given Glock in any size and caliber can more than hold its own against any comparable gun as far as real-world performance goes. They are simply the best combination of good features currently available.


New member
Glocks are fine but I prefer SIG Sauers. To me a pustol that doesn't fit your hand 100% and that isn't as accurate in your hands just might mean hitting a bystander instead of a BG in a confrontation. I don't need that liability.

So many pistols, so little money.


New member
Of course, you're right, Glocks are lousy. Send any and all of those lousy Glocks to me, and I'll properly dispose of them. :)


New member
I think Glocks are like Monica Seles (sp?), Ugly as hell, but plays very well...

As for Anna Kournikova, I'd wish she's play with my gun... :)



New member
WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!! I don`t care about the Glock thing but don`t try to put Kel-tec in the same company with Jennings and HiPoint(the king and queen of potmetal)!!!!! :D Marcus


New member
Maybe I haven't used the best analogies, especially equating Anna's looks (and to a lesser degree, her tennis playing ability-I certainly wasn't equating Lindsay's ability to the Hi-Point's) to the performance of a Glock. I just find it somewhat amusing how overrated Glocks and Anna are, how they both make the most money in their respective industries, yet both have not "won" anything or proven they are the best.

I started this thread in the wee hours of the night just for kicks, not to offend (well maybe a little). I'm surprised I'm not flamed to a crispy well-done yet.



New member
Win what? I think the guy that survived the fight would surely be a winner in the highest sense. Don't think they give trophies or acolades to gunfight winners. I don't care about tennis, but as in all professional sports even the benchwarmer that we laugh at can probably kick our butts. I'm sure the Glock fits in the high quality display booth of any gun store. My favorite handguns have the name Sig Sauer inscribed on them, but my most used gun is a Glock. I don't want to put scratches on any of my firearms especially the Sigs and high polished 1911. Each gun has its attributes. The reason I like Glocks is that they don't have to babied as much(not Anna, more like the girl next door), they point great for me, and have a consistent trigger. About the mushy trigger. If you practice letting the trigger reset, it will feel better. No it will not feel like a 1911, don't think anything comes close to that broken glass rod feel.


New member
Forgot to add. Has any one gun proven to be superior to any other? Here goes the die hard 1911 fans. If there were ONE superior design, we would not have collections and kid each other about how this is better than that. I'm going shooting today and wish all of you could be there. The smell of all that powder would be something.


Well you can talk about how you think Glocks are ugly but they do not compare to the ugliest pistol ever made, the 1911.


New member
My GLOCK 21 performs like that chick in "Flashdance" on the range!

Most 1911's perform like a Tijuana Crack whore doin' the jitterbug...

That's pretty freaking terrible! :eek:


New member
Glocks are cool....a nearly inexaustable source of excretionary gun jokes. Dull day, pick on a Glock shooter. Double your pleasure if he/she is shootin one of the wimpy ( less than .45 ) calibers.



New member
Went to the range today and took my 1911, my G19, and my Mak. Shot baseball size holes with all three guns at 15 yds. It is the poor carpenter who blames his tools. Shoot what you like. Shoot what feels good. Quit shooting the messenger. I haven't found the perfect gun yet, because it doesn't exist. The search for the Holy Grail continues. I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive. :)


New member
Ha ha! that was good. I have to agree (reluctantly) about 1911s. They are great if you have them set up right, and I like mine. But if you want a great defense tool right out of the box, Glocks are tough to beat for the money. You can beat the heck out of them and put them through a lot of abuse and, within reason, they will still work. Very simple to use and safe.


New member
The Glock vs. 1911 analogy appears to me like this:

The Glocks are like peasent women. Common, chunky, tough, reliable and stoic. No complaints. Not pretty just reliable and durable. Eat anything, they can get dirty & sweaty with no complaints.

1911s are like fashion models. Sexy, slim, real lookers. But unreliable unless pampered. Don't get 'em dirty, don't get 'em sweaty or they complain. And of course they are really finicky about what they eat. Expensive. Very high maintenance. But...when you do your part, ain't nothin better.

Hope this doesn't offend any of our female members....


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New member
All this talk about ugly and nobody mentioned Janet Reno! I think a pit Bulldog looks sexy next to her! ;)