Glock 43


New member
Has anyone gotten their hands on one yet?

The specs say its actually a little taller than the 26 and just .16" thinner.

I wonder if this will be followed by a single stack .40 .357 Sig and 10mm?

Uncle Malice

New member
I actually don't think a 40s&w version will be coming. If you look at the G43 frame, it's only a 2-pin frame as the original 1st gen and early 2nd gen Glocks were.

In order to handle the pressure of the 40s&w they had to add the 3rd pin to the frame. Since the G43 does NOT have that pin, I am assuming that a 40s&w version will not be coming... unless they are going to redesign the gun yet again, which seems silly.

I definitely don't see a 357sig or 10mm version EVER coming.


New member
I have to agree that a 10mm is not happening. If they can't be bothered with making a mid-size 10mm I don't see a single stack happening. I would not rule out the other calibers though. Glock seems to be pulling fan service a bit more recently, so if enough people ask for it they might do it.


New member
Single stack 10 mm

The 36 could possibly be made into a 10 mm but the 43 is not enough gun. The 43 could be strengthened to accept the .40 round.



New member
LGS got one in this week, already sold so I didn't get to play with it, only look. I think they'll be popular for a long time.


Member in memoriam
G43 info

Re;G43 or other Glock info.Does TFL have sub- site Glock specific, or was I dreaming?TIA :D


New member
I have to agree that a 10mm is not happening. If they can't be bothered with making a mid-size 10mm I don't see a single stack happening.
Hmm, not sure what you consider a "mid-size" 10mm. I've had the G29 since 2008 and it's very nearly exactly the same dimensions as the Glock 19 save for it's thickness. I know that the Glock 29 is "listed" as a "sub-compact" but this pistol is nothing whatsoever like the G26 or G27, it's awfully close to G19 sized.

Maybe the Glock 29 (or the G29SF) is the "mid-size" 10mm Glock that you always wished they made...?

To the subject, my buddy just snagged the first G43 at his local shop. Pistol, two mags, out the door for around $515. I will be shooting this pistol but single stack polymer 9mm pistols are not at all for me. I may love it or hate (most likely it will be fine but not excite me...) and I will wonder in amazement at how long it took Glock to come up with a marketable .380 and then a marketable single stack 9mm.

Meh, no worries. I doubt Glock has much trouble paying the electric bill. Maybe Glock can buy out and prop up Colt. :p


New member
I hope all the Glock fan boys buy em all up and trade in their XDs, Sigs, S&W and all the other single stack 9mm. So I can pick up a few at a discount :D
Would love to find a Sig 938 in the used section.


New member
G43 next to Baretta Nano.

Comparison of width to Baretta Nano.

The G43 comes with two magazines, a standard magazine and a pinkie magazine. They both hold six rounds.

Compared to the H&K P2000.



New member
I’ve held one several times but not shot one.
I liked the gun, felt good in the hand and balanced but I don’t see that much improvement in concealability compared to my 26. Its narrower that’s for sure but I just don’t see that much of an advantage in the 43 over the 26.


New member
My girlfriend just came home from the store, and she happened to have bought a papaya. The papaya is just to identify the pic. I'm quite sure no one's taken a pic of a G43 with a papaya. LOL.


New member
All over central Texas, this gun is sold out, with long wait lists for the gun. It's a good gun and all, but I don't understand the hype behind this gun. Did Glock just under produce the G43 to artificially create a supply/demand imbalance?


New member
Hmm, not sure what you consider a "mid-size" 10mm. I've had the G29 since 2008 and it's very nearly exactly the same dimensions as the Glock 19 save for it's thickness. I know that the Glock 29 is "listed" as a "sub-compact" but this pistol is nothing whatsoever like the G26 or G27, it's awfully close to G19 sized.

My reason for not considering the Glock 29 mid-size is the grip. Its not exactly scientific, but the ability to fit my entire hand on the grip comfortably is what I think of when going from a subcompact to a compact/mid-size. My pinky is left hanging on the Glock 29, so I consider it subcompact. I would be happy with everything else on the gun dimension wise, but I want to be able to get a full handed grip on the gun.


New member
I got to handle a G43 this past weekend. It does feel smaller than my G26. the small amount of difference in the width seemed like a lot to me in my hands. If you need thinner and want a glock then this might be what your looking for. however I did not buy it. I did not think the difference was enough to give up the extra rounds that the G26 has.


New member
Everyone is a bit let down regarding the limited mag capacity. It's this reason that I doubt we'll see a 40. Six 9mm would be probably five .40 in the mag. People aren't going to go for that.