Glock 36 FTF, stuck in magazine


New member
I'm having some problems feeding Remington Golden Sabers in my Glock 36 (Happened 5 times in a row and once with a FMJ, always happens on the second shot).
After the first round, the gun will sometimes jam when the next round gets stuck on the front inside lip of the magazine.
I put some +1 pearce magazine extensions on, is it possible the spring is not enough to push the rounds up? Mind you, this is not happening on the last rounds, but the second in the magazine.

I was thinking of getting some wolff springs to replace the current one if anyone thinks that will fix the problem.

Interested if anyone has had similar instances.

Side note: This happens in 1 magazine often, and has happened in the other one once i believe.

Don Glock

how many rounds through the gun? if it has a high round count replace the mag springs. wolff is good, but i would stick with oem.

make sure your grip is firm. glock 36's are more susceptible to weak hold malfunctions than other models.


New member
I have about 300 rounds through it so far.

Before I replaced the base plate I had no problems with this ammo. After words, I am. I'm guessing that is a sign.
I went ahead and ordered the tougher magazine springs to see if it would help any.
If not, I guess i'll have to get some +0 pearce extensions.

Don Glock

Before I replaced the base plate I had no problems with this ammo. After words, I am. I'm guessing that is a sign.

aha! either put the stock baseplates back in, or in this case, extra power wolff springs may indeed resolve the issue. :)


New member
If the original base plates didn't pinch the crap out of my finger, i never would have bought the extensions to begin with. I'm surprised glock is ok with those colossal pieces of crap that they stick at the bottom of their magazines.

I really appreciate your input, i'll let you know if it fixes the problem (although it might be 2 weeks till i shoot again).


New member
The floor plates are Pearce +1. Happy with them so far except for the obvious FTF issue. Very comfortable.

Don Glock

The floor plates are Pearce +1. Happy with them so far except for the obvious FTF issue. Very comfortable.

yep, i was thinking they're pearce. give those wolff extra powers a try if you can spare the cash (they're not much). pearce makes good stuff :)


New member
Another thought, and I by no means intend to insult your intelligence, is: did you put the magazine springs in the correct way? That could also lead to malfunctions.


New member
When I replaced the base plate, I didn't even bother taking the spring out. I slipped off the factory one and slipped the pearce one directly on.
I'm not insulted in any way, it was something that I considered looking into, but didn't because I didn't disassemble the magazines.


New member
Try different ammo with the new base plate. Replace the base plate with the original - they are the two variables in this situation.


New member
I would say that "Works" is completely dependent on the user.
A grip that pinches your finger is hardly working for me. If it comes down to it, I'll buy some pearce +0 grips, but i'll never put the original ones back on.


New member
I had a 36 with the same issue after I installed the Pearce extensions. Neither mag fed with them on there, went back to stock and had no problems. Put 1200 rds. through it until I sold it for an M&P, all my ammo was my 230 gr. ball reloads.


New member
With that in mind, I may just order some +0 extensions and still put the stronger spring in just in case. Thanks for the input.


New member
Kodyo said:
put some +1 pearce magazine extensions on, is it possible the spring is not enough to push the rounds up? Mind you, this is not happening on the last rounds, but the second in the magazine.

That's the problem. I own a G36 and had the same experience. You at least need an extra power spring with the +1 mag.

I do use the + zero extensions for grip. Anyway, one more round is not worth losing reliability.

PS: Lots of good ammo out there, but you will find your G36 will chamber great using the Hornady Critical Defense 185g ammo.
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New member
I have the Glock 36 with both the Pearce +0 and the Pearce +1 grip extensions. Round count approaching 500, but no FTF or FTE with either. Put Wolff +10% springs in both at the time when I put the Pearce's on; was a little leary at first, but have not been disappointed. Have shot multiple brands/weight of ball and HP, some Hornady/TAP, etc. with no probs. The Pearce's have made it easier to grip and I've never had to experience the Glock mag pinch.:)


New member
I added the +0 grips and +10% springs and the problem went away.
I have no intentions of putting the +1s back on and I'm trying to sell them if anyone is interested, I have 2.