Glock 35 and 21 owners


New member
Those of you own both or have at least shot them both on the same day... how do they compare?
I have a G21 that I like a lot, its a really great shooting 45, but for awhile now I've been thinking about consolidating to .40s&w, 22lr and 380 for a whole slew of small reasons, but that excellent G21 is hard to let go of without a equally good replacement.


New member
I also have a G21 and absolutely love it.

I wanted a smaller CCW firearm and was considering a .40 as well.
Someone on another forum suggested the G30 SF. I went to my local range and rented one. It feels exactly like the G21, can even take G21 mags at the range, and is one inch shorter in hight and length making it perfect for CCW.

I carry my G30 daily in a Desantis IWB holster. And I'm able to avoid stocking up on a second caliber of ammo. I went with the 30 as it holds 11 rounds vs 7 without very much additional size.

Not exactly the question you asked, I've not fired the G36. But that's my expeirience. And I agree with the post above. I'd hang on to that G21.


New member
So no one here has shot a G35 and G21 at or about the same and can give me a shooting qualities comparison?


New member
I have a G35 with about 10,000 rounds through it and absolutely love it. It's no 1911 by anymeans but it is surprisingly accurate. I did own a G21sf for a very short time. I got rid if it cause I couldn't shoot it worth a damn. Off a rest it was fairly accurate but off hand I couldn't hit water if I fell out of a boat with it. The only thing I could attribute it to was the slightly larger grip frame.


New member
The Glock 21 is a great gun, but hard to shoot for average to small handed people. So, the G21SF is a good fit for those people.

The G35 looks like a great gun, but unless you intend it for competition, there maybe a better choice.

Maybe a G22 or G23 fits your arsenal better??:eek:


New member

I love my G35s, one of them is my nightstand gun ---- I don't think I can give it higher praise than that.

That said, the G21 will be easier to shoot well for people who have hands large enough to properly grip it.

In my opinion :D, the 40S&W is the toughest caliber for new to intermediate level shooters to shoot well. The 'snappiness' of the caliber tends to cause flinching more than other calibers and also tends to cause slower follow ups vs. the 45ACP. That said, with proper technique and practice those tendencies can absolutely be overcome. Google "Dave Sevigny Glock" to see how to run the G35 like a BOSS :D