Glock 30 versus Ruger 97


New member
At the range the other day I was shooting my trusty old Ruger P97DC and the guy at the next firing point showed me his Glock 30. He raved about it but I wondered what members of this forum think. Yes it has a higher capacity mag (10 rather than my 8) but I can't convince myself that it has enough to offer differently to justify my buying the Glock. I have nothing against polymer pistols since the Ruger is half plastic, but I wonder if I am missing something here. My old Ruger is very reliable, and I really like the decock feature so that I can keep one in the tube and yet feel confident I won't accidentally fire the gun.


New member
You know, Glocks aren't for everyone and contrary to popular belief all Glocks don't feel or shoot the same.

If you are truly serious about the G30 - find someone who will let you shoot theirs. It really is a try before you buy thing. I'm not too impressed with my G23 but love my G27. I have 1911's and revolvers etc.... see if you find one that you like to shoot.
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unit 900

New member
I have both the Ruger P97 and a Glock 21. The Glock 30 would obviously be smaller than the 21. I have found the Ruger to be as reliable and accurate as the larger 21. The grip is certainly more svelte on the Ruger than either Glock. Capacity is the only thing you give up with the Ruger, IMO. Personally, I see no reason to replace the Ruger with a G30, unless you want to as they fill a similar niche.


New member
I am not familiar with the 97.
For a little more money you get 13 round magazines instead of 7.
I have shot a Glock 21 since August 1990 with no problems.
Well, this is just IMHO, and I am a long time RUGER fan,but ------------------

My son had an issue with a .40 a year or so ago, and right away the gunsmith talked about brass which might have been fired in a glock.

If a person happened to pick up range brass from these glocks and reload some of these badly stressed cases, the case may or may not hold the pressure of firing.

I realise all makers have a bad one once in awhile, but apparently glock had a sizable run of those which cause a LOT of problems.

The guns would fire without being completely in battery, which on the good side caused the fired brass to by VERY BADLY bulged in the unsupported portion of the case, While in the worse cases caused a Kaboom!

Personaly, I hae no desire to own a firearm which is able to fire out of battery!

At least one of those made it to utube and I am glad I wasn't the one firing the thing.

There were also posts showing the brass after being fired in the glocks, some of which would have been hard if not impossible to size for reloading.

So, again just IMHO, but the only thing wrong with my RUGERs is, I don't have more of them!

Keep em coming!

Crusty deary Ol'Coot
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New member
Daily Carry a Glock 30 for years. I like it due to its capacity and quick sight picture lock. Feel like it naturally aims in my hands. Muzzle flip is with any compact 45 autos. punchy but manageable. The only downside is its like trying to conceal a brick.:eek:


New member
I have a P90 and a G36, both are .45ACP. It's hard to compare, but I would never let go of a P97, they are great guns.

The G30/G36 are what they are supposed to be, good for concealed carry. I hit very well with my G36, but the recoil is defiantly not light. On the other hand, I can shoot my P90 all day without a problem. The P90 has a 4.5" (P97 is 4.2") barrel and the G30/36 has a 3.8" barrel, so again different guns.

I highly recommend either gun depending on type of carry.

My old Ruger is very reliable, and I really like the decock feature so that I can keep one in the tube and yet feel confident I won't accidentally fire the gun.

I have both and the Glock has never given me concern about the safety issue. I carry my G36 daily in a good holster with no problem. I think the trigger safety issue is over least my opinion.
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New member
I like the Glock a little better, but if your satisfied there is no reason to trade. Both are good guns. You can use G21 mags in the G30 and increase your mag capacity to 13 with the Glock. Keep the shorter mags for carrying in the gun and use the longer ones for spares and reloads.


If you've got a gun you like and that works for you I would recommend you keep it.

If you decide you want ANOTHER gun then if you can afford it, why not buy it? At that point you can shoot them both and decide whether to keep them both or which one you like best.

I have Glocks and Ruger P Series pistols--both basic designs work very well.
Just to clear things up a bit, the unsupported situation I was refering to on the Glocks, was a firearm malfunction.

The gun was firing when not locked up or in battery.

This caused greatly stressed/bulged, and in some cases, blown cases.

Personally, I like a non - double action all the time firing system.

I shoot through the first round double action on my RUGER P345, but would not like that to be an every shot situation.

However, that again is just IMHO.

Keep em coming!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot


New member
Just for information.

My P90 also has an un-supported area. Probably my Glock has a larger area. I guess I could make a comparison by marking a casing while in the chamber, but I knew the Glock had some un-supported area before I purchased. The un-supported area does help in chambering a round. Anyway, I usually don't shoot +P in .45ACP so I don't worry a lot.


New member
THe P97 feels like almost a full size pistol- big. With single stag magazine, it does help w/ controlling the grip. Although smooth grip does feel slippery.

G30 is smaller and fatter, and which I felt, helps w/ distributing recoil more in my hand. Of course it is easier to carry than P97 also.

Get whatever fits your need the most, don't worry to much about what other thinks or have. Both pistols shoot just as nice, as long as you have confident in them.


New member
I think the best way for you to decide is to get some trigger time behind one. If you're planning on carrying it, then the big factor is obviously the lack of a decocker or safety other than the trigger safety and how comfortable you'd be with that. I have no issues with the idea of it (as I don't carry yet), just need to take extra precaution when handling it especially in a concealed carry situation.

I recently applied for my CHL and wanted a new compact .45 to carry. I rented the G30 at the range and was immediately impressed with how well I shot with it. It is very accurate and very easy to point. Despite being a short barrel .45, the recoil is very manageable if you keep a good grip, and follow up shots are very easy to achieve. The trigger is consistent and not too heavy. And this was all information I found out the first time I ever picked one up and shot one, and the only other Glocks I've shot before were full size 9mm versions.

Of course your results may vary, but if you're truly interested, get some range time behind one and see how you like it. I was so happy with it I bought one a few days after trying it out.

ESI Agent

New member
I had a Glock 21 and still have a Ruger P97 , both work but I guess it just depends on what you want. I've seen people at the range out shoot people shooting the newest and the coolest H/K with a Ruger P95. Get what works for you and remember it's all about shooting basics not the brand. Status won't win a gunfight. :cool: