Glock 30, .45 ACP


New member
I was offered one in trade on another forum. I figure with all the Glock lovers around it'll be easy to sell. What could I reasonably expect to get for it?

Officer's Match

New member
$200, but I'll give you $225 because you seem like a decent guy.:D

Realistically, those should bring mid four hundreds in good condition, possibly a bit more. If "as-new-in-box", around 5.


Prices are, of course, regional. I rarely pay more than $400 for a used Glock, no matter how pristine. How gotten a couple of deals for under $400.


New member
I just recently bought a newer Glock 30 that had only been test fired at the factory for 400 plus tax. I thought it was a great deal. It only had one mag, and no box, but mags are 10-15 bucks ea. and I don't need a box. I couldn't turn the deal down.


New member
It's guess about $350-$400, depending upon cleanliness and condition. They can be bough NIB in my areas for less than $529.


New member
new in ohio 489 to 499 at vances shooters supplies just seen one sell the other day with about 300 rnds through it for 400 at a shop 3rd gen