Glock 29sf


New member
Up until now I haven't been able to get past the aesthetics of Glock pistols. I'm well aware of how well they are designed and built, but I just couldn't get beyond the look of them.

Anyway, I was recently introduced to the sub-compact model 29sf 10mm. this pistol fits my CC philosophy and methodology quite precisely and has drawn my attention. I truly thought the recent purchase of a S&W CS40 was going to be the end of my handgun purchases, it now appears I may be adding one more.

I'm interested in hearing thoughts and experiences with this particular model. Any relevant info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I'm looking at this one myself--my M&P just doesn't do it for me.

The only real downside to the 10mm I see is the cost and availability of ammo.
People develop pre-disposed ideas of the fit, feel, and handling of guns all the time. After 47 years of shooting handguns, I find it is the person, not the gun, that is the problem MOST of the time. I have many handguns, and shoot all of them as much as I can in a given year, but if I were to choose a serious, fighting AND concealment handgun, the Glock 29 is the one. The G20 is also good, just harder to hide. All smaller or less powerful guns (and that includes the .45's), are lesser compromises. What's not to like about 11 rounds of 10mm? If you are of medium hands or bigger (this lets out a lot of women(), then maybe you NEED a smaller grip, but otherwise, ADAPT! The G29 is GREAT!

Uncle Malice

New member
I had a Gen3 29SF. Really liked it a lot. Had the 40s&w conversion barrel for it.

I ended up selling it and getting the Gen4 G20 since my 10mm needs are for camping/hiking/etc in northern AZ, concealability isn't the main concern - although I carry the G20 and Gen G21 pretty frequently.

I again have the 40s&w barrel for my G20 as well and it's the only 40s&w I have or care to shoot. It handles it wonderfully.

Definitely check it out.




New member
Most definitely handle one first, the small Glock 29/30 are chunky little guns, good shooters but very thick. For what it's worth, although the 20 is larger as a whole, it feels thinner than the 29 to me, simply because on the 29/30 the grip flares out sooner which causes it to feel so fat.

After you hold the 29 (or a 30), then hold a 23 which is very close in general size. It's lighter, thinner, holds more ammo and will likely feel much better in your hand, and it offers up very good ballistics as well.


New member
I have a 29 SF
Over my chrono the 155 XTP averages 1,278 fps, Corbon 150 JHP @ 1,222 fps
I either carry it in a Smartcarry or appendix IWB in a Fist kydex clip-on.


New member
i like mine, i got it as a woods gun for bowseason. With just standard loads i can tell little difference between it and my g27. With really hot loads you definitely feel the recoil, feels close to a fairly hot 357 to me