Glock 27 opinions


New member
I was at the gunshop looking for powder, and noticed that they had a Glock 26 and a Galco ankle glove. I couldn't help but try them on together, and it was surprisingly comortable. I had been considering the Glock 27 as my new ankle gun, but thought it might be too chunky.

My questions are: How is the Glock 27 in general? I have a Glock 23, but have never shot the sub-compacts. Are they reliable, comfortable with or without the grip extension, recoil (should I consider the 26)?

How is the Glock 27 with the Galco ankle glove or any other ankle holster. I like ankle carry, so you're not going to change my mind on that. I've had very good experience carrying other guns (PPK and J-Frames) in Galco ankle gloves.

Any other suggestions (note, I've got a PPK, Kel-Tec P11, S&W 340sc and S&W 60 .357 (among others), the only other gun I'm even slightly considering for this duty is the Kahr)?


New member
The only way to know how comfortable you are with the recoil of a G27, is to shoot one yourself. As far as reliability goes, I never had a single malfunction with mine.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
My G27 is my favorite pistol!

It's very accurate and ALWAYS makes me look better than I really am. I've read all the "harsh recoil" stories. Well, felt recoil is different for everybody. All I can say about the recoil of my G27 is that it doesn't bother me. Plus, my wife who is still a beginner, absolutely loves to shoot "our" Glock 27.:rolleyes: Oh, one more thing. Mine has never malfunctioned either.


Shootin' Shane

New member
I would definitely recommend the G27. Small, accurate, reliable and potent. I dont think the recoil from a G27 is bad at all. A light .38 snubby has more recoil. And I dont use grip extensions, that kind of defeats the purpose. The short grip is what makes it so easy to conceal. I carry mine in a pocket holster but my friend always carries his on his ankle and he loves it there.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
For me, my Glock 27 shot quite a bit better than my Glock 23.
All shooting was done with the Speer Lawman series of
factory ammunition.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I was at the gunshop looking for powder, and noticed that they had a Glock 26 and a Galco ankle glove. I couldn't help but try them on together, and it was surprisingly comortable. I had been considering the Glock 27 as my new ankle gun, but thought it might be too chunky.

They are both the same size so you should be just as comfortable.

Both the G26 and the G27 are 6.29 in length, 4.17 height, 3.46 in barrel and 19.75 oz w/o mag.

This is from the Glock website..

Both are extremely accurate and comfortable. The G27 that I owned was the most accurate .40 that I have ever shot. Recoil was very manageable but a bit brisk with hot Corbon 135gr JHPs.

Reliability was excellent and I highly recommend the pinkie extension for extended shooting. I've never had a malfunction with a G26 or a G27 from limpwristing. Instead the weapons remind me by pinging me in the forehead with brass.

Its hard to beat 9 .40 cal bullets, or 10 with a +1 extension in such a small reliable package.

Good Shooting


New member
The recoil for me took some getting use to, but after the first 50 rds. it was very managable. I have shot the G26 side by side with my G27 and couldn't tell any difference with full metal jackets, but the Cor-bon's are noticably harsher. As far as carry in an ankle holster, I use a Bianchi triad that works well with straight cut Wranglers (thats all I wear). I would definitely reccommend, I have about 1200 rds. through mine ( mostly my reloads) with no malfunctions. I prefer mine with out the finger groove extensions.


New member
I have the 27, but am thinking about trading it in for the 26. Not because of the recoil, it's mellow... it's just that I don't really have a need for the .40. My favorite is the .45 - just pure preference. If it's not a .45 then hell a 9mm is just fine with me.

In your position, hell I'd get the 27 in a heartbeat. You already have a .40 with magazines that will fit in the 27. Same ammo, you'll be set. It's a matter of logistics.


New member

:D Proud new onwer of the Glock 27. I opted for night sights and one pinkie extension. Love it!:D


New member
I also have the Glock-27 and love it, I also like the Pearce grip extensions. I also agree if you already have a Glock-23 than buy the G-27, you can use the G-23 mags in the G-27. ;)


New member
I have the 26 and love it. but it is a lil to thick for pocket carry, i never considered ankle. I k9inda wish i would of went with the 27 for more power. Great little gun..

Ron Ankeny

New member

Well now, physics is physics and a G27 does have some recoil. I don't mind shooting it but I can tell you that in an IPSC match where we shoot at high speed on multiple targets the G27 is a bit of a handful.


New member
The G-27 is awesome. So much firepower in such a small package. I love my G19, but the 27 is a bit more versatile for me.


New member
Yes yes yes, let me qualify my statement about mild recoil. I mean it's mild in the sense that I can shoot it without my hand ringing like it would other handguns (revolvers included) of comparable weight and cartridge of similar power.

BUT, if IMO it certainly isn't ideal for competition. Especially if you are shooting without the extension. The mag extension is the thing that makes these little pistols really shine... for optimal CCW you can remove it. For +1 round and more comfort plus a larger surface area to grip the pistol when drawing quickly you can add the extension. Add a 357 SIG bbl and change the qualities a bit. Great stuff.

I still want a 9mm, however... I really don't know why. Maybe because I want to add to the collection? :rolleyes:


New member
I WANTED to like the Glock 27 so much I wound up buying the model twice...but it just had too much muzzle flip for me. I prefer the 26 or the 30.