Glock 26 Pocket Holster?


New member
I have carried a S&W442 in a Kramer Horsehide front pocket holster for several years. Recently I have elected to replace it with a Glock 26 and need some recommendations for a front pocket holster. Whats your recommendations?


New member
Ditto on tne Galco. Compared to some other pocket holsters I've tried the Galco pocket holsters do a better job of staying in your pocket when you draw.


New member
yet another ditto for the galco. This is a rather heavy piece loaded for this mode of carry. you need a good holster to carry it like this, and the galco is it.


New member
I've been carring my 26 in a Galco pocket holster daily for about 3 weeks, It is a well made/thought out pocket holster and stablizes the baby glock well in my pocket. I never thought it would be possible but the baby glock has become very comfortable in my pocket, in pants or shorts.

Mode of dress is very important, I wear dockers or cargo type pants and a polo shirt untucked while working.
I have been carring for a little over 10yrs, and pocket carry has been my main choice for daily carry.

For the first 5 yrs orso,I carried tiny autos , then a stubby S&W the last 5.

The 342ti will always be me reccomdation for the ultimit pocket gun, But I would perfer to have my 26 should the SHTF.