Glock 26 Barrel and Slide on (shortened) Glock 19 Frame?

Para Bellum

New member

I carry a Glock 26 IWB and a Glock 19 OWB. With the shirt tucked over, the short Glock 26 grip slows me down when I draw from the IWB holster. So a grip-sleeve was my soluition. But it moves way too much and makes shooting weird. So I'm back to the 10+2 magzine for the Glock 26. Also just a compromise.

What I'd like best would be a full Glock 19 grip with the short barrel and slide of the Glock 26 which is more comfortable IWB. So, my Idea is to just take a G19 frame, shorten the dust cover and widen it a little and then use the Glock 26 barrel and slide on it. Would that work?

Thanks and happy holidays,


New member
I am sure that it could be done with the proper research and very careful, precision measuring but, rather or not it should... I don't like the way my sub Glocks grips feel, or the way any sub does for that matter but, thats what it is. It's a sub-compact. I dunno exactly understand what you don't like about your 19 IWB. I'm a little guy and i carry my 17 that way sometimes. I used to complain about having to much grip (bulging) until I got other Glocks. I don't know though. My uncle is a huge guy and he hates carrying anything bigger than a sub-compact. I just don't think I would do it. If the frame dimentions were off by a small amount, I could also see real headaches. The decision is ultimatley yours but, I would exhaust all other avenues.


New member
Use a G19 mag, with a grip extension on the mag. Works beutifully. I don't remember who makes them maybe Ajax grips. I did that when I had a 27, then put rubberized tape on it.


New member
Isn't there a company that cuts fdown 19 frames to be a 26 size? I know that's opposite, not sure why I just brought that up. Seems to me that using that grip extension over a 19 or 17 mag in your 26 would be about ideal. As long as you don't poinch your fingers during reload:(


Can't imagine an A&G grip mag sleeve, which features a setscrew, "moving around a lot." With a G19 mag, equipped with an A&G sleeve, the G26 grip becomes the same size as a G19 grip.

Para Bellum

New member
I dunno exactly understand what you don't like about your 19 IWB. I'm a little guy and i carry my 17 that way sometimes.
my job is 90% desk work. I sit most of the time. And with my frame of 5"10, 172#, the shorter silde of the G26 fits way better IWB than the longer G19. I use the mag sleeve on my G26 on a G19 magazine to get almost what I want. But if you shoot that rapidly (I carry 24/7 and keep up my basic skills with frequent IPSC training and competitons) you feel that the part of the "grip" that is attached to the magazine moves a lot during rapid fire. A G19 grip is way more secure, accurate and comfortable...

LAK Supply, Thanks for the link, I'll try these guys...


New member
I would think a 19 slide & barrel on a 26 frame would be a better way to go. Kinda like those 1911 officer's frame w/ a commander barrel / slide.

Para Bellum

New member
I would think a 19 slide & barrel on a 26 frame would be a better way to go. Kinda like those 1911 officer's frame w/ a commander barrel / slide.
We mean the same: "normal frame" (from G19) + short barrel & slide (from G26)

Vitamin G

New member
Neat idea... I never understood the "Colt Defender Plus" market, but now I do. Personally, I'm the opposite in preference, thinking of having my g20 chopped to a g29 grip.

If you're on good terms with a local shop, maybe they'd let you try and see if the slide from a used G26 fit?