Glock 21g4 vs CZ75BD/SP01 Tactical

Which one would win in a fight?

Seriously, though, I am getting a new pistol soon, for HD/CCW, I am a big guy, and concealing anything smaller than full on hunting revolvers is no issue for me...

I cannot for the life of me decide between the Glock 21 gen 4 and the CZ full size decocker models. I would kinda like a rail, although it's not a necessity, and the plain CZ75 looks very very nice, so there's a tossup. I have no problem with the .45 vs 9mm argument, I am of the opinion that with modern bullets, and the increased capacity of the 9mm, it is a wash. I enjoy shooting, and haven't found a pistol I couldn't be accurate with yet.

The CZ will cost more, $50 more for the CZ75BD, about $150 more for the SP01, but then that is offset by the comfort of the grip, and the ammo cost.

Does anyone else see my dilemma??? Am I crazy? Looking for opinions here that might help me decide more easily. Thanks!
Provided that I'm am equally proficient marksman with either gun,

I'd go with a bigger bullet any day. I have faith in well placed big bullets.
one of the cz's!


chris in va

New member
Alrighty, I can field this one as I've had both.

The CZ decocker models limit your options of carry condition. It's either hammer down or at half cock. The regular safety models let you do that plus use the 'cocked and locked' mode if so desired, starting from a SA trigger pull.

The G21's simplicity is a strong point. It simply works. However the grip angle is non-standard, and the trigger takes getting used to. I sold mine and got my beloved CZ 97b and haven't looked back.

Just a couple things to consider.
I really wanted the Glock 21... But I chose differently.

Ordered a CZ P-01 yesterday, should be here inside of 2 weeks, I am hoping much sooner. I went with the P-01 because it fits a couple holsters I already have, the grip is typical CZPerfect, it looks great, it is amazing, and it is amazing more.

I'm going to need to get a .45 sometime in the future now, but I think this is the beginning of a love story of epic proportions! coming when she gets here...

I have faith in well placed big bullets.

While I do looove the 45ACP, I have every bit of faith in the 9mm with proper bullets being capable of doing the jerb. Now I just have to decide which 45 platform to start saving for.