Glock 21 or Sig P220????? Ahhhhh!!!!!


New member
Guys and gals help me choose. I thought TFL would be a good middle ground since GlockTalk and SigForum might be a little biased?

Glock 21: Tough, accurate, though a little big.

Sig P220: Very accurate, sweet trigger, reliable, but a little rust friendly if I neglect it.

Earlier I posted whether I should get a P220 but I noticed that ole' "rail gouging" on my EXPENSIVE P229 again and its gotten me a little miffed. My P229 still shoots great but its given me a little pang of doubt. With Glock I will only compromise on "a little less" accuracy and reliability with hollowpoints?

Will primary be a range/fun gun but all my guns need to be "ready for defense". Going to the range tomorrow to do side by side comparison. Enough already. Fire away.

*And please, no suggestions for 1911s they're not for me.

[Edited by Ian11 on 04-25-2001 at 03:41 AM]


New member
I have both.

Does the grip of each feel good in your hand? I find the grip of the G21 to be a tad thick for me and the 220 feels great. However, I do not care for DA/SA personally so I'd probably go with the Glock. You obviously do not have this bias so the 220 might be better for you. Both have been 100% reliable for me and accuracy has also been even though the G21 generally edges the SIG but thats prolly because of the Optima sight on the G21. I went and bought the American followers for my 220 mags so now they are 8 rounders and still 100% reliable.

A DAO 220 might be interesting but it was not among the choices presented. Also not among the choices was the G30 which I have carried on occasion and though it is as thick in the grip as the G21 for some reason it just has a different feeling to it and that feeling is good.


New member
I would think shooting them side by side will tell the story. The grip issue would be a major consideration for me. Not much point in owning a gun that gives you negative vibes when you pick it up.

I've got a Sig 220 That has been trouble free. My 229 experienced some galling on the frame rails. It stablized after about 1000 rounds and still shoots great. It really ticked me off at the time, but I don't worry about it now.

Don't know much about Glocks, other than they're not asthetically pleasing or comfortable to shoot for me. A lot of others disagree, which is fine.


New member
I just bought a G21 and got a chance to try someones P220 and liked the G21 better and so did he. He liked my G21 so much better he was going to buy one the next day and dump his sig. Here is mine at its first trip to the range not too bad.



New member
Thats a tough one to be honest.

I am a huge Glock fan as well as a Sig fan and own a few of both.

My buddy owns a 21 and I own a P-220, we always make a point to bring both to the range when we meat up because to be honest they are both very sweet pistols and I like to play with his 21 whenever I get the chance.

If I had to chose between the two I would have to go with the P-220 with this one. It just sits in my hand perfectly and points like a dream, the 21 does not feel bad in my hand but it does not feel quite as good as the P220.

I shoot the P-220 better than the 21 but at the same time I shoot the P-220 alot more than the 21, you know, the 21 is my friends and he isnot always around. But I have got to tell you that my P-220 outshoots all of my other pistols as far as tight groupings go, its just really accurate and I think that has everything to do with how well it sits in my hand.

On another note, if the rust problem (hardly a problem IMHO) is the only thing holding you back I would not worry about that at all. I have had many Sigs over the years and have never experienced any rust whatsoever on any of them, my P228 being the oldest. And yes thats even without cleaning them religiously after every outing, sometimes I skip an outing and still no rust.

Besides, just keep your pistol nice, dropping $700-$800 on a new gun should insure that you atlest clean the thing thus giving you no rust.

Whatever feels better to you I would go with, thats what you should really take into consideration.

Good luck,


New member
If you are looking at the resale value someday, then the Sig is definitely the way to go.

For casual recreational shooting, I would go for the Sig, but for duty use, camping, hunting and fishing the glock would get my vote.

The Glock is softer shooting as well. This might be a factor if you get a barrel for the .400 Cor Bon, 40 Super or .45 Super to use on your .45 platform.

It really boils down to what fits you the best. You will be shooting it, not I- although if you want to loan it to me to make sure it is properly broken in, along with 1000 rounds- I promise to return it!

Good Shooting


New member
I would go Glock for one reason: consistent trigger pull.

The DA/SA transition between 1st and 2nd shots on the Sig is an unnecessary technique to have to learn.

One day the rest of the world will open its eyes and understand this.


New member
Owned P226 and a P220. Both started to rust despite constant oil treatments. Both broke their trigger connector springs.

their finish does not stand up to a lot of holstering.

And the DA/SA trigger sucks. the FBI used to train SA to ground their first shot to get to SA.

I hardly ever shot my Sigs in DA mode.

With the G21, you can work up some ***** cat loads with some reduced power recoil springs and you can make some smack down 230 grain rounds doing 1200 fps with some stiff recoil springs.

And hi caps are around.

And you could join the Big Dawgs club!

Love my G30 and like the G21.

And why Sig? Nice guns but most LE agencies have dumped them. Where is SigTalk? Nice but a NIB P220 runs a good $625 around here.

You may be able to find a plocie trade in with a pair of high caps for $425 here and there.

That is the ticket!

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
both are excellent, in their own right. But for me, the Sig P220 wins hands down.

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

8200 rpm

New member
Shoot both side by side. Buy the one you can hit better with.

My next pistol will be a P220.

Glock, not a chance. I can't hit with Glocks.


New member

I have owned both the P220 and the G21. They are both wonderful guns. They are both very accurate guns.

I traded off my P220 because of the trigger pull. That first DA pull was always a bugger. However, I do not regret for a moment getting my G21. It is more accurate than my P220. It shoots softer. It is built like a tank.

To be honest, there isn't much else that fits my hand like a Sig. When I put a Hogue finger groove grip on it, it felt like someone made just for my hand. My G21 does not quite fit the same. I put an Agrip on it from Brooks Tactical and it feels OK now. It still does not feel as good as the Sig did, though.

The G21 out shoots the Sig in my hands. I love the trigger on it. Some people do not like Glock triggers. After shooting mine for a while, I love it.

All of that to say this: shoot both, buy whichever works best for you.

I will also give this word of warning: Glocks multiply! They secretly reproduce when you are not looking. I now have three of the little black beauties. If they come out with a singe stack .45, there will be 4 of them here.

Peace, love and ammo for all. :D


New member
Sig Sauer by a Nose

I'm back from the range and the winner by a nose (for me) was the Sig Sauer P220. I'm used to the DA trigger and Whoa! the Sig single action is almost as sweet as a highly tuned 1911 or an HK P7. The Glock was less forgiving in terms of accuracy but I thought it was capable of accuracy on par with the P220.

The G21 grip is a bit unwieldy for my modest sized hands while the P220 was as comfortable to hold as my P229; even though its a .45! I felt a bit more recoil with the P220 but nothing to write about. I have no doubt Glock's .45 is more durable (which is comforting) and for strictly defensive use I think I prefer Glock. But the P220 was just simply more fun to shoot and in a pinch the P220 can also be an excellent defense pistol. But I wouldn't be surprised if I end up flipping a coin in the end.

Haven't tried a G30 yet. They don't make 3 sided coins do they?


LEO's "dumping" Sigs? Really? How come so many cops are still being issued Sigs and recently the US Secret Service was issued the P229 .357 to protect our Commander in Chief? And no there is no SigTalk its called Lots of happy Sig owners there. I understand your love for Glocks, I do too, but I don't think it should be at the expense of another great pistol.

Both my P229 and G27 are great shooters. I like'em both.


New member
When I was faced with this same choice, I bought the P220. I would have both had I not bought a 20. (I already had a .45 and I wanted a 10mm. Not a tough choice really.)


New member

What do you think the Sigforum guys would pick?

LOL, they are a great bunch over there, my internet time is split into 3rds between here,SG and GT.

Let me tell you, I love a whole lot of guns with Glock and Sig being my favorites. The one thing I can tell you is that there is no other pistol in my line up (G23,27,22 Sig P228, (2)P239s) than can even youch my P220 in the accuracy department. It even beats my P228 and I find that to be a damn accurate pistol.

Oh, and never any rust on any of my sigs,,,I must be lucky or something:)

For whats its worth.



New member
The rust topic is a little ridiculous. Anyone who is willing to plunk down $600 or so on a handgun should know enough about maintenance to keep it lubed enough to protect it.

I have both pistols, the Glock 21 I got a year before my P220. Since I got the P220, the Glock gets shot very little. The Sig points better for me, has a better trigger,conceals easier and is a bit more accurate.

True, some people might not like the DA/SA transition on the Sig's trigger, but I've found it very easy to master. The first DA pull is easily pulled straight back because of the great grip ergonomics, and therefore I have no problem hitting what I want with the first shot, or any thereafter.

The Glock is a great pistol, just not as great as the PP220.


New member
Gee, jtduncan, according to the latest American Rifleman, there's actually more state police agencies using Sigs than Glocks. Maybe you could qualify your remarks? I've had a P226 and a P220 for over 10 years, no rust, no broken parts. Maybe I should start start buying more lottery tickets, huh? HAHA!

Bob Locke

New member
I love Sig's AND Glocks, but I own Glocks. I have a G21, and it is my favorite of all my firearms. The trigger is what did it for me. I like having the exact same action on each and every shot. I had a P239 in 9mm, and while the single action was absolutely sweet, that first shot double action was a bear, even after I had a smith tinker with it a little.

I also happen to have very large hands, and like the grip angle on the Glocks as well. That is one of the biggest differences between them and most other pistols, which have a fairly similar angle.

I'm glad to see that you tried them both and figured which one will suit you the best. That is really the only way to make a decision like this when you are talking about choosing between two pistols that are both of very high quality. Well done! Now go get it and practice!


New member
The Answer... blowing in the wind.

States? CHP is the biggest, and they use S&W. :)

The feds were mostly SIG 9s, are now mostly Glock 40s. NYPD is mostly Glock. The Feds and NYPD alone and/or together probably outnumber ALL the state troopers, not just those using SIGs? Arkansas went from SIG to Glock. Know any that went from Glock to SIG?

The DOE SST guys have been using SIG P220s for over 15 yrs, but want to go Glock 40s too I hear.

Glock has about 60% of the market, SIG about 10%.

Money is not the only reason either.

That said, get what ya like, not what we like, or most of everybody else likes. Or get both. :)


New member
My Glock 21 is my carry and home protection gun. Talk about being durable. I toss it in the car console, toss it under a seat or whatever. This is the only item I own that I will ever holster cause I am not concerned of wear marks. After more than 5 years it looks as good as new and shoots just as well.

I also have a P220 Sport. I would not dare toss this around or holster this.

For the right price, I would love to buy the stand P220 to carry, but would not be as brute as with the Glock21.

You won't go wrong either way. Take some more time to shoot and base your opinion on the one that "feels" better in your hand.

As a side note, the only bad thing about the Glock is that it is bulkier (is bulkier a real word) than the Sig.