Glock 20 Kb with reloads


New member
A cautionary tale for the group:

Shooting with 7 coworkers today at lunchtime at the local public outdoor range. One of my compadres has a Glock 20 with about 1200 rounds through it. He was 4 targets away from me.

Comes up to me and asks for a cleaning rod. Seems he had a failure to fully chamber, keeping the pistol out of battery, and he couldn't extract the round with his fingers. He pushes the round out of the chamber. I continue shooting my .45. A few rounds later, ka-POW ! Weird noise from his target position.

I look and my friend is standing there with a blank look and v-e-r-y sore paw.

The cartridge casing apparently blew out in the 6 o'clock position. (Some blew out of the barrel, hence the 'apparently')The stocks were cracked on both sides, all the way from the thumbrest to the funnel. Of course the mag was lying on the ground.

My friend had noticed that the BULLET SETBACK in the full-house 10 mm RELOADS he had GOTTEN FROM A GUNSHOW "seemed a little far back" BUT HE SHOT THEM ANYWAY !! :eek:

Morals of the story:
If you shoot reloads, make sure you know that the charge and OAL are correct.
Don't trust reloads if you suspect there might be a problem.
If you suspect a problem, DON'T TEST BY FIRING THE SUCKERS !!

Personally I wouldn't jump a chute packed by someone else, and I wouldn't shoot reloads made by someone I didn't trust very, very well.


New member
Here's a better lesson...Don't use reloads from people you don't know and trust!
#1 killer of Glocks...BAD reloads! :eek:


New member
I guess I'm just the product of a bad public school system and a TV generation that has destroyed my short term memory! :(