Glock 20 Gen 4


New member
As most know, these are offered with either 10 round or 15 round magazines as some states do not permit magazines of greater than 10 round capacity. But the 10 round version might be found in any state.
I have an order with my favorite dealer for a Model 20 Gen 4 with 15 round mags. He is having problems finding one and I am convinced that he is being completely straightforward with me. He has located some with 10 round. I do not want to have to buy extra magazines to get the 15 round capability.
GunBroker listings are cagey about listing the magazine capacity so one must assume that they are the 10 round until and unless further information is forthcoming. The GunBroker prices plus shipping and the extra FFL total more than the local price quoted to me. And only a very few are listed on GunBroker. So waiting is my most practical option.
So the question is: What is your guess on the time frame for availability of the Model 20, 15 round?


New member
The linked website notes that they are backordered with an expected two week delay. So at best, that is a definite "maybe".
My search for the 15 round magazines found nothing available for immediate shipment. So there is no surplus of the 15 round magazines. And that could be the thing that holds up immediate availability of the complete package.
So I will wait until I can get what I want. The dealer says he checks his sources every morning.


New member
Opinionated said:
GunBroker listings are cagey about listing the magazine capacity so one must assume that they are the 10 round until and unless further information is forthcoming.
I would think it would be the opposite: Unless otherwise stated, I would assume they are the standard 15-round mags.

15 is the standard magazine capacity. Most states don't arbitrarily place artificial limits on magazine capacity, so most of the guns Glock ships come with the normal mags.

I'm guessing most Gunbroker listings are "cagey" about listing magazine capacity for Glock 20s because the normal capacity mags are 15 and they don't feel the need to post that. I know in my state we don't really think about the fact that some Glocks come with neutered mags; if someone says "Glock 20 magazine" I automatically assume it has 15 rounds.


New member
I bought my G20 Gen4 off of GunBroker and it was a 10rd model. I didn't really like that, but on the other hand, in my state if you hunt your gun can't hold more than 10rds in the magazine. So....I kept one 10rd mag, sold the other two online to people and took that money and bought two new 15rd mags. Worked out great.


New member
Glock mags are cheap (@$35) you could sell the other ones to off-set the cost. However, I would just wait until you can get a new already with the 15rd mags.


New member
The guess that the magazines will be 15 round unless specifically stated otherwise may be correct. But the facts available to me do not lead me to such a conclusion.
I bought a SR9 and was bitterly disappointed to find that it was with 10 round mags-- kicked myself for not specifically asking.
My local dealer has found 44 of the Gen 4 Model 20 with 10 round mags but none yet with 15. The 10 round is plentiful, the 15 round is scarce -- based on the experience here.
The local price is a bit better than the offering on Gunbroker so I have not bothered to inquire about those specific listings. But I would do so before bidding.


New member
Opinionated said:
I bought a SR9 and was bitterly disappointed to find that it was with 10 round mags-- kicked myself for not specifically asking.
I would be livid if that happened to me. That gun DOES NOT come standard with 10-round mags. Those are for the gun-grabber states. Just the fact that gun manufacturers cater to those states makes me angry enough, but now people are selling those neutered guns like they're normal? If someone doesn't mention the gun they're selling only comes with 10-rd mags, then that's completely dishonest. Basically, they cheated you. I hope you rated the seller accordingly.


New member
Got mine today. Dealer called and told me it was ready for pickup. It will be a few days before any firing. Have plenty of space here for that but no range as such. Just set up some targets on a private, dead end farm road and fire away. Lots of walking back and forth involved when checking the targets.


New member
I do admit to be being old by the definition of most people. And my strength is about half what it was at my (long ago) peak. Decided to load one of the 15 round magazines without the aid of a device. Got 13 in, the last 2 were no-go barehanded. I do have a LULA but have not tried it on the Glock.
Too much strain just hurts anymore.
So what has been your experience with the Glock 15 round mags?


New member
Opinionated, since I got a LULA I rarely do the brute force stuff. It's hard for most people young or old.

Uncle Malice

New member
Big fan of LULA here. Once the mags are broken in, you wont need it anymore. Of course you can always use it because it's easier..


New member
I orderd my brand new

Model 20 sf 3rd gen in February and didn't recieve it until the end of July, I know I know why did I get a 3rd gen when the 4th gens are out and the only reason is aftermarket upgrade parts are easily and inexpensively found., but from what I hears all high capacity pistols along with AR platforms went into high demand and shortages when the Obama administration was considering bana again on high capacity magazines and when I spoke to my dealer supposedly there was a 400, 000 +back order on Glocks alone.