Glock 19 question...


New member
I was in a conversation recently with a gent who suggested that the glock 19 is not a terribly reliable pistol. My experience w/ glock has always shown them to be reliable weapons. I did some checking and found an issue with the so called "phase 3" malfunction that plagued the NYPD. I also found mention of this issue from pat rogers. Is the phase3 a common occurance or has the issue been addressed?


New member
also according to the article it happened 1 out of 450,000 times fired.

but then it goes on to say that some glocks locked up so bad you couldnt cycle them with a hammer

my personal experience with my glock 22, is excellent, although i havent fired 450000 rounds

*crosses fingers*


New member
The Glock 19 is one of the most popular models sold. I have one and have had no problem with it at all. First I have ever seen or heard about this Phase 3 problem:)


A Glock not reliable? You mean someone actually said this about a Glock 19? This is a joke right? You're talking about the most reliable line of pistols ever.


I remember reading about the NYPD's switch to the "Plastic Sucktastic". While reliable the NYPD did have malfunctions with certain bullet designs. Glocks are no more reliable than any other quality pistol line:p


New member
I have heard about it but I never actually saw it or heard of it recently. I have a glock 19 and I am not worried in the slightest. It feeds anything I put in it and goes bang when I want it to.


New member
I agree with some of the above being that the issue is ammo related, but then again, when I saw that pat rogers mentioned something about it, well, that got my attention.

Can anyone confirm this?


New member
It was ammo related. Back in 1996 when this happened, NYPD was using 115gr standard pressure on new guns which lacked the energy "recoil" to push the slide back enough to fully activate the ejector. No probelms with the 115+P+ duty ammo. Glocks were designed shooting 124gr NATO ammo as they are combat pistols, 124NATO is basically FMJ +P

Keep some good modern 9mm in the G19 and hold it right and you won't have a problem. Glocks do not like to be limpwristed.

G19 is a damn good gun, I've got one.


Glock did a "special" modification, in order to overcome the limp-wristers on the NYPD. It's no coincidence that the so-called malfunctions happened in NYC! Most of those cops had never even seen a handgun prior to their being hired as NYC cops.


New member
I can only speak opinion on this, since I do not own a G19. BUT this totally sounds like an ammo issue. I'm NOT an ammo or gunsmith expert but I read the NYPD was using a "non-standard" load 115gr bullet..perhaps under powered in my opinion, because I don't even use that for paper.

anywho just wanted to add my 2 cents...I stand by Glocks and proud to have my G17 on my duty belt


New member
Glock did a "special" modification, in order to overcome the limp-wristers on the NYPD. It's no coincidence that the so-called malfunctions happened in NYC! Most of those cops had never even seen a handgun prior to their being hired as NYC cops.

Soooooooo TRUE!!...I moved from NY to FL and when I began my training, my instructor said "Welcome to the GUNshine State" LOL :D

In NY I had to apply for a pistol license before I even purchased a gun, and in order to get the license you have to appear in front of a judge...the Judge DENIES your application...basically DENYING your constitutional right to POSSESS a firearm...NOT CARRY a firearm...JUST POSSESS the firearm in your home.

I have a few choice words for the state of NY but the moderators would delete my posts and ban me :)

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New member
I have had my Glock19 since 1998. I used it as a duty weapon when I was a Sheriff's Deputy, and I still shoot it often. Last time I looked at my log book on it, round count was over 10,000. Loads have been, factory, factory reloads, my reloads, +P, and +P+. I have never had a problem, with it.


I'll put my G19 against any handgun out there to see which one malfunctions first. It's only on the internet do I read of Glock malfunctions. I have never seen one in real time, and I been to the range 1,000's of times, and have competed in or watch numerous matches. No Glock malfunctions; ever.
Keep in mind Servo, that guns are one of those topics that people seem to have trouble approaching objectively. People pick sides with little reasoning (or completely arbitrarily) and defend/promote their positions vehemently, often believing (or creating) falsehoods that support them. When someone bashes a popular model (or praises an unpopular one), it helps to take a grain or two of salt with it. Glocks particularly garner a lot of needless hate. They challenge a lot of traditional views on what makes a good gun.


New member
Glocks are generally very reliable; however, like any mechanical device you can get a bad one, or have a problem that requires a solution. My best friend had a G19 that choked at least once every two mags regardless of ammo, and simply would not eject any 9mm ammo below 124gr. for any reason; it had to be hand cycled for lightweight ammo. My brother, a glock armorer went over it with a fine tooth comb and told him to send it back due to several issues. Upon return, it fired without a hitch since.

It happens, but rarely, and once you've determined it isn't the shooter, the magazine or the ammo, have the gun serviced.


New member
Stone axe reliable

The only malfunction I have had with my G-19 is a squib, my fault. They don't work without a charge of powder in the cartridge. Other than that.....:)


New member
I went out to FrontSight just outside of Las Vegas back in April. One of their instructors had taken a Glock 17 I think and had up to 100,000+ rounds through it as of that particular time (without a single cleaning) and no malfunctions. Since they drive those things hard out there in the desert every day of the week, I'd say that is a pretty good field test.
I think Wes was the instructor, if anyone else has been there and any more info that would be interesting :) they were mostly trying to see how many rounds they could run through a glock without cleaning before it would fail.