Glock 19 for Beretta 92?


New member
Currently have the Glock 19 as well a couple of other 9mms but am thinking of trading it for a Beretta 92 to get an example of our current Service Pistol as well as taking advantage of cheaper and more available hi-caps. Good idea or forget about it?


New member
It's all personal preference as many people here will tell you. I've had both and in my opinion the 92FS is immensely superior to the G19 in many ways.

The main reasons I traded my G19 in was poor ergonomics (used to beat up my hands something awful) and that horrible plastic trigger (never could shoot it straight). Not to mention the fact that you could easily pay over $100 for hicap mag.

The 92FS is an excellent pistol, just as reliable as any Glock (some would argue that) beautiful workmanship, very smooth and extremely accurate. Plus, plenty of cheap hicaps.

Again, this is just MY opinion.


New member
Do you like your 19? Don't get rid of it unless you absolutely can't stand it. I have both and I would get rid of neither. I think you should forget about this trade and save up for the Beretta outright. If you trade, you'll get beaten to death. Probably only get about $250 for the Glock in trade. If you must get rid of it, sell it outright (you might get as much as $400 for it). Beretta factory high-caps run about $50 or so each (asian contract mags are under $30). USA mags are about $10-15 each at If you buy USA you may have to search for reliable ones (I bought 8 and 7 of them worked reliably, the 8th failed to hold the slide open after the last round - probably need to just replace follower and spring).


New member
I did the opposite a few years ago, traded a Beretta 92 Centurian for a Glock 19. I decided that I liked a smaller/lighter gun than the larger Beretta. No complaints with the Beretta though, always 100% reliable and high caps are cheaper. I don't see much use in getting a gun that big if you're just going to have 10 rounds. Beretta high caps are a good bit cheaper I understand. Personal preference I guess, since you've had the 19 for awhile maybe it's time for a change.


New member
I am a die hard GLOCK fan and think the M-19 is about the perfect size/weight/capacity pistol.

On the otherhand I am a Die Hard Beretta fan as well and believe the 92fs to be a wonderful pistol. Everything Tankist said about the Beretta I agree with, especially the support available with it being current military issue. I recently purchased 5 like new military 15 round mags for a $100 dollar bill. Only one preban GLOCK magazine would have come home for that amount.

The Beretta is however a large pistol and requires a serious holster for carry of any type. I prefer the GLOCK safe action over the traditional DA/SA.

Personal preference take your choice.


New member
Get rid of the Glock and get a real gun. I never liked Glocks and never will. Personally I think that they should be priced at half what they are selling for. Beretta and SIG are the only two makes I would carry around on a daily basis. My favorite is the Elite II and 220ST.


New member
Agree with Southpaw.....don't trade the Glock. Either sell it outrite or keep it. Nothin wrong with havin both. And you will get beat down on a trade.



New member
If you can get it in trade, do so. The Beretta 92 is a fine pistol. I think the trigger is better, and the controls well situated. It is a heavier and bulkier pistol though, so if you don't have another carry gun this is a poor trade.


New member
I bought my Beretta because I'd always wanted one, and I feel comfortable shooting it. I bought my Glock 19 because my wife showed an interest in it initially, and it was a way to get her involved shooting a bit, and to get into the Glock thing. I'm happy with both because they have sleightly different purposes in my collection, I'm leaning towards the Beretta as my carry weapon for when I get around to getting my permit. The Glock however may also fit the bill, I just have to get a bit more experience shooting/carrying both.

My advice would be to consider if you can live without one, then get (or keep) the one that will give you the most use. While expensive, the Beretta is one of few pistols I would bet my life on because of its reliability.


New member
I'd do the trade in a heartbeat! I've owned Glocks in the past but not in the present. For whatever reason, the 92fs just fits & works for me really well.


New member
I had both a G19 and a 92FS-B. I still have the G19. It wasn't a matter of which gun was better, just a matter of which gun suited me better. Although the Glock preban magazines are more expensive, I found the G19 to be easier to conceal. The Beretta was traded.


New member
I agree that you need both. The Glock is the better CCW weapon, while the Beretta will usually be more accurate and easy to shoot. I shoot my Beretta more than I do my G19, but that's probably more due to the fact that I need more practice with the DA/SA transition.

Blue Duck357

New member
Agree with the above that the Beretta is a nice gun. For good or bad (taste vary) a very different operating system than the Glock. High dollar hi-caps for the 19 are as mentioned a problem. Even G-17 hi-caps can be had for $65, never found a deal like that on G-19 mags.

One thing in the 19's favor though. When shooting them side by side one day I was a bit amazed. The Beretta 92FS is absolutely HUGE compared to the 19 yet they hold the same number of rounds (15) and for me gave the same accuracy. Kind of felt like Berreta had all that bulk over the 19 but offered nothing in return for it (well except looks ;) ) .


New member
My first pistol was the G19, now I shoot and carry the 92 Brig Beretta. Two different pistols really. No gripes on the Glock, just like the Beretta more.



New member
I've had Glocks for many years. I just picked up a used Beretta 92F with six 15 round magazines at a good price, just because I always wanted one. I really like shooting the Beretta, and it's way more accurate than I expected, from the very first round I shot! I'd be happy with either choice, and I'm happiest that I have both choices! :) IMO, it's very difficult to go wrong with either of these guns, both are quality firearms.


New member
Keep the Glock. Buy the Beretta. Like several other people here I have both and like both.

You have to remember that they are different guns meant for different purposes. The G19 is more for personal protection and as an easily concealable personal firearm. It does well in this capacity. Those who can't shoot it well just can't. No reflection on either them or the pistol.

The Beretta is more of a duty gun meant for outward wear. I bought mine (my second, had a previous one which I traded for something else) in order to have a practise firearm for what I would be carrying if (and when?) I am called to go to a combat environment with the AF.

The way things seem to be going in our country, I would NOT advise someone to sell one firearm to buy another. I would advise you to keep what you have and buy outright what you may want.


New member
:eek: Why would anyone want to trade the most consistantly reliable handgun made for a ugly-jammomatic beretta!Forget about it!!!:barf:

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Ugly-Jammomatic Beretta????

That is the first time I've ever heard THAT.
I went back to my gun shop yesterday to have another look at the stainless 92C and compare it to the G17 & G19. All three models fit the new flight crew holster I just received. I figured the 92C would feel MUCH heavier in this holster, but it didn't. It's a tough decision. My G27 has been perfect right out of the box and I expect the G19 or G17 to be the same. However, the 92C is one beautiful handgun! Price isn't a factor. I can get either Glock for $489.95 and the Beretta for $529.95. Any of the three would feel good in the air crew holster after a couple hours in the air or in my car. The "decocker" on the Beretta felt a little strange, though. It dropped the hammer with such force, I'd have to get used to not expecting an AD. It's very difficult to decide which model I'd be the most happy with.
Suggestions would be appreciated.



New member
Civilians rarely ever complain of malfunctions with their Berettas. On the other hand, I know several people who say the ones in the military are jam-O-matics.

What gives?