Glock 19...23...HK USPc?


New member determining what I'd like to use to replace my XDm 40 (just feels too big) I've run across some questions for you all. Originally, I figured HK USPc in .40, maybe even P2k. Found one that is nearly brand new ( 2 mags through it and it shows) for $600. It comes w/ night sights, 3 mags. I think it's a very good deal, but other considerations have kept me thinking. I could grab up a G23 for $490 new. Maybe then I add an aftermarket conversion barrel in 9mm for cheaper practice and such (which, I believe I can do w/ the USPc as well.) Then there's the whole 9mm vs 40 thing; 9 being quicker to recover for follow up shots, cartridges being better "nowadays", you know the story. In comes the G19. So my question is would you buy a 19 when you can get a 23 to shoot 9's with reported superb reliability? Would you consider the HK deal to be good enough to not even think of the Glocks? Before it's said and done, I assume I'll own HK and Glock (that statement should take the "response" count down by at least one here :D .) So, now that I'm pretty sure I'm going to let the XDm go, I will replace it with either a Glock or HK. Which one...and in which caliber(s)? Thanks in advance for your input.


New member
First let me say that I do not think the HK USPc40 will take a 9mm barrel. IIR the .40 and .357 use the same slide, not the 9mm though.

Having said that, the price sounds good for a Hk with what sounds like the LEO package. It is a superlative pistol.

As to Hk versus Glock... really they are both reliable, quality duty worthy pistols. I'd choose the one that felt best in my hand, pointed best, etc. The price is close enough not to matter. The Hk price may be too good to pass though... ;)


New member
While I have no interest in 40 caliber anything, if you are then the HK price is an excellent deal. You don't see used HK's under $600 with or with out night sights often.

It seems like there are plenty of used 40 cal guns at most of the stores I frequent. Less so of 9mm's. Also, for example, Federal HST ammo which is harder to come by these days, a quick search of GB shows plenty of HST in 40. Very little 9mm or 45ACP shows up.


New member
Did not the Glock 17 survive

Alan Roy's Test 322,000 + rounds
Chuck Taylor's test 168,000 rounds

And the Austrian Hirtenberger Factory Ammunition test 348,210 + rounds and only some springs were replaced?

I know I read about these "tests" over the years. Just wondering.


New member
Yeah...I like them both (USPC, 23.) I guess, I'm wondering which route to go for now...almost KNOWING I'll own the other at some point. Some of the "torture tests" on them show the HK not working where to Glock will. I don't know what to make of that at all. I've always regarded HK as a premier pistol. I'd certainly be interested in your opinions on that (the torture test stuff.)

If I decide to go w/ the HK, I'm guessing it'll be because I think I won't get as good of a deal in the future, but I can always get a good deal on a Glock.

But, let's say I go w/ the there any reason to get the 19, when I can have a 40-9mm barrel for the 23? I have read reports of flawless function w/ the conversion barrels. I like the idea of being able to shoot two calibers from same pistol.


New member
With G23, you can get conversion barrel for 9mm and 357sig- not so for G19. You will have to get complete G23/32 slide for your G19, if you want to shoot anything besides 9mm.


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I had the HK USPc .40. While it was a great gun, I sold it because the grip was too skinny for some reason and only felt right with a Hogue universal sleeve on it. Didn't like how I had to have that (and I wasn't too fond of the trigger), so I sold it. I have a G19. I love the size, capacity and concealabilty. While the grip is not my favorite (i'm a 1911 guy), it's not that bad and it's other merits more than make up for it. I know it's generic advice, but you really do need to try both before you buy if you really want to make the right decision. Both are great guns.


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The HK USP Compact in is a solid pistol regardless the caliber. I have found the 9mm and the .45ACP to be more pleasant to shoot with the 9mm naturally less expensive. While the .40 is controllable and accurate it tends to be a bit snappier than the 9, or .45. Since the USP series was built around the .40 in the first place they have managed the recoil very well. The price sounds good on the HK and it will definitely serve you well. The .357 Sig and .40 barrels are a drop in swap with the HK not the 9mm. I own a 9mm and a .40. I practice with the 9mm due to the cost of ammo these days. I carry the .40. My .45ACP hasn't left the gun safe since ammo prices started up but it's a great shooter as well. I looked at Glocks quite a few years ago when I was looking to go from my 1991A1 Compact to a polymer pistol. The Glock didn't fit my hand well and I wasn't crazy about the trigger system. The HK just worked for me. I haven't looked back and have no regrets. The full size USPs are excellent shooters as well.


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ARD, 7/19/10

I have both a Glock 19 and a USP-compact, mine in .45. Both are fine weapons and have their good and bad points. The Glock detracting feature for me is the grip angle- it is different from all my other pistols and feels awkwards. The DAO trigger is reasonable with a short reset and easy to teach new shooters. Mags are reasonably priced and aftermarket parts are everywhere.

Problems with the HK-USP series include a terrible double action trigger pull (long, heavy and severely stacks before breaking), expensive mags (about $50 apiece) and aftermarket parts are often hard to obtain ( I needed a right sided decocker-saftey lever and after calling or emailing eight dealers I was told the part would have to be ordered from Germany and it would take at least six months).

Given the choice of buying one of the above guns I would get the Glock and use the several hundred dollar difference for ammo. Good luck.

best wishes- oldandslow


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Glock 17 vs HK P30

I had a Glock 17, now I have a HK P30, why?
G17 it's a fantastic pistol and you can have a lot fun but I fell more confortable with a DA/SA pistol if I have to carry it conceal.
HK P30 has the decocker and you can carry it in DA for the 1st shot. If you are trained to shot the first in DA it's not a problem.
I think that it's better to carry a pistol in the same way you are trained to use it. I am trained in the IPSC way for the Production class, it means I have to shot the first in DA (I use a Tanfoglio Stock II)
Second, I think it's more safe if you are not trained to shot for defence. In this case for "trained" I means that you have been shooted twice or more. (only in this case you can know your way of reaction )
In the DA you only have to do one thing: push the trigger. In some chance one is better than two. A long course of the trigger allow you to think about you're doing but you are not thinking about the pistol : it will work, no more things to push.
Glock 17 have not DA/SA, it means you have to mount the light connector if you want to shoot quickly or the normal connector if you want to stay safe.
With the normal connector you're shootin like in DA (maybe something lighter) but allways. But I think that at the first defence shoot if you really want to shoot, it is not a problem about how heavy is the trigger.
Conclusion : it depends about your training and about your confortable carry.
Both these pistols are nice and reliable. G17 has 2 more shots but HK P30 is more concealable. G17 il cheaper and you can find or choose a lot of accessories. P30 holds better and you can change magazines with the weak hand too.


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I can't say the first thing about H&K except,they do come at a high price and until i can find one in a price range that i find acceptable i aint buyin it.

G19 vs 23 now that i can say something about.They are the same gun with the exception of the actual caliber.I have shot the 19 and 23 and they both shoot well.My wife was so impressed with the Glock 23 that she bought one and did a barrel/mag swap and shoots both the 9mm and .40 cal and can also shoot 357 with nothing more than another barrel swap.

So if you get the Glock 23 and buy 2 more barrels,you will have 3 guns in one.(can you do that with a H&K ):confused:


New member
I'd prefer the p2000 series to the USPc. That's just my preference though, the USPc has a proprietary accessory rail while the p2000 series uses the industry stand accessory rail. Now to the 19 or 23 question, I own a 23 and chose it over the 19 in March of 09 simply because .40 was on the shelves and 9mm wasn't. In my area to this very day, I can choose from whatever .40 I like while 9mm is pretty hard to come by and when you do see it, it's usually steel-cased.

If 9mm is readily available in your area then you still have a choice to make. Do you own any other 9mms? Do you have no problem with the recoil of your XDm .40?

$600 for an HK with 3 mags sounds like a pretty good deal, would this be for the USPc? You should also consider that Glock just released the Gen4 G19 and the Gen4 G23 is soon to be released.


New member
IMHO you can't go wrong with a G19. Parts are cheap and plentiful. USP and Glock are both reliable. USP parts are more difficult to find and more expensive. I had a G23 and sold it. I did not care for the snappy recoil. I love my G19 and USP, but when push comes to shove....I'll take the GLock. :D