"Glitches" with my Ruger LC9


Active member
I have raved about my LC9 in other posts as being rugged, durable, and reliable. This is the gun I usually carry. So, it's only fair to report when I have problems with it, and so far I've had two:

1. I think I broke the takedown lever. This thing is a PITA to operate and now it won't stay up. It's a cheap $2 part that I can get from Ruger and probably install myself. Still, a better takedown lever would be appreciated.

2. My front sight came loose. I have read where many people have had this problem, and later serial numbers have gone to pinned plastic front sight. I don't want a plastic sight, and I don't want it pinned either. So, I just got done dabbing a little blue (medium strength) locktight on both ends - its drying now, we'll see how that works.


New member
When I hear the word "glitches" now I immediately think of a half billion dollar program that doesn't work. Hopefully your fix will be much more user friendly! Good luck!


New member
I don't have one, but my buddy has one that drops the mag on every other shot.

After looking at it for him, it appears that the mag latch isn't catching the slot in the mags and as a result they won't stay in the gun if any pressure is placed on them. That appears to be a common issue with the LC9 from what I read.

He was supposed to call Ruger today and I'm sure they will fix it without question.

Little disappointing but things happen. Ruger at least stands behind their product.


Active member
My guess is that I have somewhere around 500 rounds through it. It feeds very reliably and functions just fine. I've shoot mostly Wolf steel-cased ammo in it and a few +P's just to verify that it could handle it. I really don't intend for this to end up a high-round count gun and will probably only put a couple of magazines through it during range trips just to stay proficient with it.

I've never had any problem with the magazine dropping out on mine. At least Ruger makes many of the small parts for this gun available for purchase. That's a nice change.


New member
These problems should definitely go back to Ruger for resolution! There is no reason for you to try to deal with them yourself. In my case, I was having trouble with the long trigger pull and it was actually causing my trigger finger to get bloody. I sent it back on my dime after talking to customer service. Since there was nothing broken, they wouldn't send me a shipping label, but they said it would be checked to spec and if it was out they would fix it and I could request reimbursement for the shipping expense. They replaced the trigger bar and also the striker, although I had no trouble with that. When I saw the work order, I requested the shipping cost and received it. The trigger problem was solved.


New member
Ship it

Ship it
Ship it
Ship it
Ship it

Let them fix it or try to before going to any expense and effort yourself. If you try and mess up you may void the warranty.



New member
IIRC Pico, Ruger doesn't offer a warranty, but i could be wrong, and to the OP, do what other suggested, send it back to Ruger, they should make it right and at no cost to you, Ruger CS is top notch, the only time i dealt with them, it was almost a pleasure.


Active member
What is the turn-around-time for shipping a gun back to Ruger for repair?

The blue locktite seems to have worked on the front sight - it's locked in place. I would have to separate the frame to replace the takedown lever - I could do it, but it would be a PITA.


Active member
You probably forced it. Rule #1, Never force anything...always use a bigger hammer!

Yes, I probably did. It's a complete PITA to operate. Movable plastic parts suck! For all the complaining about locks, loaded chamber indicator and mag disconnects, the takedown lever is crappy design. Fortunately, it's only a $2 fix. I have disassembled over 75 different guns, many times over, and have never broken a takedown lever......until now.