Glass, Pillar, or Freefloating


New member
I want to restock my older M110. In your opinion, what is better Glass bedding, Pillar or just freefloating? This is my primary deer rifle so it will take some abuse. Also, who do you recommend to order the stock from(laminated by the way) I know there are alot of places, but I like the been there, done that method. Thanks


New member
"Glass, Pillar or freefloating" non-sequitor. That is, "glass-bedding" and "pillar-bedding" refer to bedding the action. "Freefloating" refers to ensuring that the BARREL does not touch the stock anywhere along it's length. As to which is better, glass or pillar one can say. Pillar bedding requires a bit more work. As to whether the barrel should be one can predict. Some rifles like this, others prefer some upward pressure on the barrel, at the tip of the forearm. You'll have to test to see which your rifle likes.

As for sources for laminated stocks.... I would suggest . They make good stocks, reasonably priced....and their order fulfillment time is not nearly so long as Richard's Microfit.


New member

Check Richards microfit stocks as well.

You can do all three - pillar, glass, and free-float. Epoxy in the pillars and then bed the front of the action and recoil lug. Make sure that the barrel doesn't touch the forestock after about 2" in front of the recoil lug.




New member

Glass the action and the first two inches of the barrel forward of the reciever ring.
Free float the rear.
( a trick I use is to allow the bedding to set abd cover the barrel sectio with tape and then invert the rifle upside down, this causes the barrel to hang away from the stock and build up the bedding. Allow the barrel to be freer-floating)