Glass bedding a 700 VLS.


New member
I ordered a glass bed kit from Midway and was just looking for tips. I've never bedded a rifle before so this will be a first timer. Anything I should watch out for? I hope I don't screw this up. Also, I plan I bedding just the first inch and a half of the barrel just to give it some support. Should I do it this way or just float the entire barrel? Thanks
Bed the action. (Actually, I only bedded the recoil lug and tang on my VLS.) Float the barrel. You'd probably have a better setup if you bought a pillar-bedding kit.


New member

Don't forget to put tape on all sides of the recoil lug ecexpt the back.

Plug all holes with play-doh.

Get the stock-makers action screws.




New member
Yes, I always bed the floor plate area. Now that I've been using pillar bedding, it's eliminated the springiness of the wood or composite material, but I still like to bed the floorplate/trigger guard.



New member
practice first

I know this sounds silly, but if you have an old stock or rifle, try it on that first.You don't even have to practice on a rifle,once I was testing a hardware store epoxy and bedded a pipe to 2x4 just to see how it worked. My first bedding job went wrong just because of a little epoxy getting on the front action screw and becoming glued to the stock. I also used way to much epoxy because I tried to bed the whole action. Now I only bed the recoil lug area and the area just behind or sometimes in front of it (depending on action type) unless there is some other obvious area that needs it. Anyway just take your time, read all the instructions and use plenty of release agent and you will be pleased with the results of your bedded action.


New member
This pretty much will be the practice stock. When tax money arrives, I'll be ordering a Boyd's Thumbhole in pepper. But I'm gonna do that one too if I can get enough confidence with this stock err... stock LOL.