Glaser Safety Slugs


New member
Been reading a lot of conflicting reports on the effectiveness of Glasers. I currently have loaded in my 44 R Mag a cylinder full of their 135gr Blues that reportedly push out at 1600 fps with 768 ft/lbs. I have to question their claim to not be lethal past a wall. I hear that they are poor penetrators of flesh though, and hear all sorts of stories to both extremes. But with that kind of velocity I figure they penetrate better than the typical stuff people are using (ie 380's, 38's, 9mm's, etc.). I live in an apt, and have 2 small children. Perplexed on what the best choice here is. Tried finding quality 44 Spl or Speer short barrel ammo, but as things are you are lucky to find any ammo other than rimfire or shotgun these days. Any suggestions or enlightenment?


New member
bucket o' truth did a great article on them. they will go through a wall with out question. Glaser claims they will not go through the BG and then through a wall. and that they wont do; Because they wont go through the bad guy. They are poor penetrators. I have some that I bought when I first herd of them. I thought they would be great. But then I started reading alot of bad things on them. So I did my own tests. When I was done with my tests I still have 6 rounds left. They are now some where in closet. I now run winchester silver tips. I prefer gold dots over the silver tips but can't find gold dots for my 44 or 44 spl lately. The silver tips is a damn fine round though


New member
Can you share with me the results you found? And were your tests with the 44 R Mag? Very interested since I am having problems with a crazy ex who I know to be vindictive despite the fact she is in the wrong, but wants to blame me for her choices. I wouldn't put her past her or her psycho lesbian friends to want to retaliate in some fashion. Not to mention my apts are in a less than nice area. I would greatly appreciate any info you could share.


New member
Been considering replacing a few of the loaded rounds with some Winchester SP rounds I still have on hand. Just afraid they are too much in an apt situation.


New member
Glasers are what they call frag ammo. All it is is a copper jacket and instead of being filled with lead it's filled in with #6 shot (the silver tipped ones) or #12 shot (the blue tipped ones). Both are rather small shot and will have rather poor penetration on humans dressed in anything more than a tee shirt and wind breaker. They can penetrate walls but "probably" won't be lethal (though still could be) on the other side as most of the energy will most likely be expended penetrating the wall.

The other brand of frag ammo, MagSafe, fairs a bit better than the Glasers as they use larger shot (#2 and/or #3) in their ammo albeit fewer in number. They will penetrate a human target deeper than the Glasers but they also have questionable effectiveness.

I handload for my .357 Mag. Mod.28 "N" frame S&W. Hornady's 158 gr. XTP sitting on a hot load will certainly do the damage needed to drop a goblin at common self-defense distances.

I understand the concern about collateral damage, wounding or killing innocents.....However....

IMHO, all the whining about penetrating walls and doors and such is a mute point when it comes down to defendingself, kiddos and family. Hitting the target mass kill zone because you have practiced and practiced and practiced is the best way to keep rounds from doing what they are NOT supposed to do, or go where they are NOT supposed to go.


To rodwhaincamo; I think the first thing you need is a restraining order, so that if your ex does do something crazy it will not be completely out of the blue with local law enforcement. The order will not do a thing to stop her, but it will make you look better if the worst comes to the worst. If she has already done anything wacko, call the PD and make a report, and get the restraining order.

As to ammo, if I was living in an apartment with children, I would consider the Glaser Blues, or if you are not sure, then go with ammo with proven track records: Ranger SXT, Remington Golden Sabers, Gold Dots, or Corbons. I did some testing yesterday with Hornaday XTP out of my XD40 SC into wet phone books and the penetration was very good, the expansion was amazing. Good luck.


With a powerful gun like a 44mag in an apartment, I would stay with the Glasers. I don't care what people says, you have some serious take down power.


New member
Maybe you need something a little less profound, also, on hand, like a taser or some pepper spray or a big louisville slugger, as if you are dealing with an unarmed or no gun type weapons situation concerning a person that is legally restrained, it could result in a safe resolution for you without all the mess and court appearances. The big wheelgun is your last resort instead of first choice in some cases.

Atticus Thraxx

New member
Never seen them hit flesh, but they sure do splatter spoiled watermelons. If watermelons become a problem in your area...your in good shape!:eek:


New member
they go strait through walls. it takes water or tissue to make them open. but when they do hit water(never shot any form of tissue with them) they open very fast and not at all deep. this is why I say it wont go through a wall after hitting a person. a good round will go through I believe 4 milk jugs of water. glasers usually enter the second but don't go through it. some one on this forum posted a pic of a man why was shot in the arm with one. it looks nasty but when you look at the x-ray you see that it is only soft tissue damage.

I would be worried about shooting a 44 mag in an apartment, but glasers are NOT the safe answer in the apartment. this is simple because if you miss it is gonna go through the wall. you only option is don't miss.
It's much like the argument you hear from some folks that says they use bird shot in their shotguns because it won't penetrate walls.

Police and others will tell you, if it won't penetrate a wall, it won't penetrate an intruder either. #4 Buckshot is the smallest you should use. Remember, you are not trying to wound someone. Your life is on the line, and the lives of you loved ones. You are trying to KILL them before they kill you. Use bird shot only if you are attacked by pigeons.

If all you have is a 44 mag, get some of the 44 Special Cowboy loads. They have reduced recoil, reduced velocity, etc. (everything is reduced except the price), and just empty the gun into the old gal, . . . I mean, intruder.


New member
This lesbian is the mother of my first child, and so I would not use force against her (or any female for that matter). She isn't my concern. Besides, my current girlfriend took a few years of boxing and could handle any threat she may impose. What I am concerned about with her, knowing how she is, would be the guys she tells some atrocious story to prompting them to do something. She and her friend are like that. She hasn't done anything worth a restraining order, though I am collecting evidence that she is an unfit and obscenely crazy mother that I may find grounds to take custody of my son. Hard to do here in Texas. My real concern are the thugs and robbers. A bold daytime break-in? For those concerned, I hold life in the highest regard, and would not harm another if it is at all possible. I believe most things can either be avoided or verbally worked out. But you can take it to the bank that I won't hesitate, were I to feel threatened, to take it in a wink. Entering my abode ranks as a threat since I won't take the time to ask what the intentions are.
"This lesbian is the mother of my first child, and so I would not use force against her (or any female for that matter.)

Well compadre, there's your problem right there! Seen way too many "gentlemen" handed their manhood in a zip-lock baggie by ruthless females. Gangsta-gals are extremely astute at playing that vicious game.

If you are not willing to put down, with extreme prejudice, a raging Amazon bull dyke jacked on meth, who is coming after you and your chilluns because of whatever lies your ex told her, you might as well sell your firearm(s), join a food co-op in Austin and take the family to the "Burning Man" festival in the Mojave this August.

With that one statement, ol' son, you have already lost the firefight!!!


New member
Don't be afraid to use force against a woman, in the name of equality! :D

On a serious note, I understand your desire for controlled penetration very well, living in an apartment myself with a .357 by my bed, I've spent many hours pondering just this. I know it's not the same sort of power you're dealing with, but bear with me. In the end I decided on Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel, because you won't find anything that isn't a danger to your neighbors that's also more effective than a good aluminum baseball bat.

A reliable, high expansion slug that WILL do mortal damage to your target is your best bet, if it expands as it should anything exiting the bad guy will be expanded, tumbling, and possibly organic in nature, significantly reducing danger to anything behind your target. The short barrel rounds have an extra large hollow cavity, by all accounts HUGE.

I've found the short barrel rounds have mild recoil and very mild report/flash compared to full power loads. Your capacity for follow-up shots and long-term hearing won't be jeopardized as significantly.

And because I'm just such a nice guy, I even solved your availability issue for you :)


New member
Use a good .44 special hollowpoint such as a gold dot, hit what you aim at. That's about the best you can accomplish with your HD gun as is.


New member
Put two rounds of 44 snake shot in the cylinder, hollow points after that. You won't penetrate the walls with the snake shot, but you'll tear up any thing soft you hit in the room, the concussion alone will change their mind. I don't believe anyone likes getting shot.
I don't have a lot of faith in snake shot. I shot a snake twice at a distance of about 6 feet with CCI .38/.357 snake shot and he just crawled away mad. He may have died somewhere and some time later, but the initial effect was no where near what I had expected.

With an intruder in my house, I think I'm gonna use something a bit more substantial.


Hagar the Republican

I don't think I'd want to be shot in the face with snake shot. Maybe you should try it and prove him wrong!