Glad we're all back together once again!


New member
I "cut my teeth" at this forum and am glad it's returned!

Since TFL's hiatus, I've become a forum moderator at Parallax ( sharing my cabinetmaking experience to help restore severly damaged C&R stock. I've also just about completed my collection of all semi-auto rifle from 1938 forward (except for the SVT38, MAS 44, and G41 &43). Those will come after my daughter finishes her last year of college in 2005. I've received my credentials as a certified NRA Rifle Instructor, and joined a great shooting club which has just purchased 90 acres of prime shooting property. I owe a lot to TFL as the guys and gals here helped me continue my hobby. Everyone was always civil, courteous, and informative. I expect nothing less of the "new" TFL and hope to see more of you in the future.

Thanks, Rich, for bringing it all back. I still wear my Molon Labe hats and have received lots of great comments about it. I'll be checking in on a regular basis and am pleased that you've maintained our names and passwords after two full years! Good for you!

I've added a lot to my collection since TFL took it's vacation and am looking forward to sharing with you all once again!

AKA Cabinetman most everywhere else.


New member
Good to see ya, Rome!

I wondered where you had been hiding out... :confused:

My Molon Labe hat's darned near worn out, since you mentioned it. Correia, another order in the works anytime soon? :D
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