Given that...

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New member
Given that…

Given that the Global Warmers have convinced us that as little as a 1⁄100th degree increase in global temperatures will cause the Antarctic and the North Pole to melt causing tropical rain forests to expand across all known land masses…

Given that the Darwinists have convinced us that given any little bit of sterile wet mud that life forms will slither out and optimize for their discovered climate but that any 1⁄100th degree of temperature change will cause the same life to go extinct…

Given that the last time the Earth was covered from top to bottom with tropical rain forests giant dinosaurs ruled the Earth…

Should I immediately modify my portfolio of toys reducing the monthly number of small varmint caliber acquisitions and increasing the number of elephant gun acquisitions ?



Yeah, but you need to form a balance.

FALs or M14s for Velociraptor attacks, and 4-bore side by sides to bringing down an angry T-Rex.

Pterydactyl problems? Pshaw. Nothing that can't be solved by a flak cannon.:)

B. Lahey

New member
Given that you seem to have received all your science info from talk radio, I think you should sell some guns and buy science textbooks.:)

Nobody knows what global warming means for us except that it's happening, but you need to brush up on the fine, proven theory of evolution. I'll sum it up by stating that there is little chance of a dinosaur infestation, even though chickens have all the genes needed for long tails, teeth, and scaly skin.

The bigger problem would be if the scientist fellow currently growing toothy, long-tailed, lizard-skinned chicken embryos were allowed to start hatching them and a few got loose. A terrible thought considering what a pain in the keister regular feral chickens are in some places. Lizard-chickens could take over...

12ga would probably do fine for genetic-experiment dino-birds, though, and they would probably be considered an invasive species so you could hunt unrestricted. Could be fun.

44 AMP

Slightly more realistic, but only slightly

Considering recent advances in cloning, I think that we should each have a heavy rifle available for when we have to put down those rampaging mammoths, mastodons, wooly rhinos, not to mention Dire Wolves and Sabre tooth tigers.

Unlike actual dinosaurs, we do have full dna samples of many ice age mammals. I find it closer to the realm of the possible (if only slightly) that advanced cloning techniques could be used to bring back some Ice Age mammals, and if they do, some of them might get loose.

I think a rifle in the class of a .45-70, or a .375H&H or better ought to be considered as a part of one's battery, just in case. I don't mean to imply we all need to go out and get 600 Nitros, or 4 bores, just that we should have something capable of downing large animals decisively.

When I was a teenager, a company started up a game park a few miles from my home. They only lasted a few years, but did, in that short time manage to "lose" a large cat (which was never found) a giraffe, and 3 Bison, who had a fine time downtown for a few hours before they were tranked, and some smaller critters as well. No one was hurt, although one bison died from stress and the trank, but it might have turned out differently. Many of the local folk had .30-30s and similar rifles, and some of us had .308, '06s etc, but no one had a big bore rifle available. 12 ga slugs will do a fine job for a lot of things, and a passable job on many large animals, but they are not in the same class as a big bore rifle.

And I think something capable of defeating light armor might also be useful someday. The .50BMG is just too much for most of us to afford/justify, but a more common big bore "sporting" rifle would be a good idea. After all, there are "bears" out there! Aren't there?


New member
I tell you what,I always load up my .375 when I turn on my case tumbler.Never know when a gol derned sand worm will bust up through the floor!!
Oh,Reba!!The dreams..!!


New member
Hmmm... Has anyone ever come out with a saboted shotgun slug that could be used for big game? I'm thinking of something weighing in at about 300 grains or so - not a one ounce slug... Make that sucker long, skinny, and fin-stabilized.

I'm guessing that one could get up toward 2000fps in a 3" shell... Make the bullet in the area of .30 caliber, and solid...


New member
Hmmm... Has anyone ever come out with a saboted shotgun slug that could be used for big game? I'm thinking of something weighing in at about 300 grains or so - not a one ounce slug... Make that sucker long, skinny, and fin-stabilized.

I'm guessing that one could get up toward 2000fps in a 3" shell... Make the bullet in the area of .30 caliber, and solid...

Winchester supreme platinum tip and partition gold

Platinum tip
400 grains
1700 fps

Partition gold
385 grains
2000 fps

not fin stabilized but they can take deer at over 150 yards. Haven't had enough green to test accuracy out to 200 yards but 150 yards is paper plate or better groups

edit: both sabots are 2 3/4 inch shells


New member
I have a sling-shot and some rocks. 44AMP- I think I saw that giraffe one day! I was in a bar when the giraffe walked in and said, "Hey everyone! High balls on me!":D


New member
Going back to the Ice Age theory. They have already started making a Mammoth. I think it was about 10 years or so ago. They took the sperm from one of the frozen young male Mammoths and impregnated an Asian Elephant. There is half and half. The created a girl. Then they take the same sperm and impregnate her. There is .75% Mammoth, and so on a so forth until you have a 99.9% Mammoth.

Now here we all are talking about 4-bores and slug guns when those Ice Age boys (can't spell it) were killing them with speers, nets, and dropping boulders on their heads.

However, I wouldn't want to have but a speer if one shows up in my back yard.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Go to a science museum and stand under a dino skeleton of some size. I've done that in London and NYC. Then think about any human portable long arm excluding LAWS and Carl Gustavs types.

You will devoured or a flapjack. Of course, Sarah Palin thought dinosaurs and humans were co-existant like the Flintstones, so maybe she could lend you a moose gun.


New member
Given that you seem to have received all your science info from talk radio, I think you should sell some guns and buy science textbooks.

My friends got a kick out of that one.



New member
You get global warming, rainforests and dinos. This is realy unfair. What will global warming do for Norway? Ill tell you. It will close up the gulf stream and make northern Europe a very cold place.

Not that i am complaining or anything but i think it is just cold enuff as it is thank you.


Moderator Emeritus
A thread that started off as a political thread about global warming and evolution with a thin veneer of "gun-related" provided by the old "What Gun For Dinosaur?" gag has since degenerated into pure politics and pop science arguments and given up any pretense of being gun-related at all.

Please remember that the General Discussion forum has a blanket policy regarding threads on "What Gun For Zombie Dinosaurs After The End Of The World As We Know It."
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