Give blood!

Rail Gun

New member
The State Dept. has now said these terrorist attacks are an act of war!!! We're at war now. There are tons of casulties from these attacks. They need blood and they need it soon!!! What we can all do to help for now is to go give blood. It really will help. So if you can please give blood.

Take care, RG


Staff Emeritus
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People, do me proud. New York and DC are running out of blood, giving blood is the most productive thing you can do right now.

Please. No matter where you are, give blood.


Long Path

New member

Please give blood! Time is of the upmost priority! They can't (right now) airlift this stuff, so give early, PLEASE.



New member
Things are so packed at the blood center here that I can't get in to give until this evening, and I'll have to wait even then.

To put it in perspective (and irony) only the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki might compare to this.

Rail Gun

New member

Thanks to everyone that has bumped this thread. I think it's important enough to do again. I just got back from giving blood at Kent State where they're set up to take it. The fatality figures look like the total fatality numbers for the entire vietnam war, so they need a lot more blood than they're getting now. There's a lot of people giving blood but not nearly enough. So if you want to help all these people you need to go give blood soon. Thanks for taking your time to read this.

Take care everyone


New member
I was turned away. They did not have enough staff to deal with all the people that showed up. But you can bet I'll be there tommorrow! Like somebody said, it's all I can do, for now.


New member
Get yer fresh O-negative here! Get yer fresh O-negative here!

Called my nearest Red Cross center, they said they were so overloaded that it would be better if I waited until Thursday. (The main Atlanta center asked me to wait even longer!)

I think I'll stop by at opening time tomorrow morning anyway.

And, for those who can afford it, the Red Cross website has an online money donation form for credit card donations.


New member
They're having to turn people away here in Austin. The blood bank has run out of storage space. They are telling everyone they need to ship some of the blood out before they can start accepting any more donations.

Caeca Invidia Es

Staff Alumnus
Local services here in Utah are asking people to wait till later in the week to come in. Said they are running out of room to store the blood.
I'll be donating tomorrow at 7:45 p.m.

I tried to donate today, but they turned me away, not because they were busy (which they were) but because it hasn't been 56 days yet. Tomorrow is the 56th day.

I've been donating regularly since the Persian Gulf War, and I'll continue to do so for as long as I can.

I also do Apherisis (sp?), or platelet donations.

I have a fairly rare blood type, AB +, and no exposure to the Cytomeglia Virus (CMV), a common virus.

The blood from people who have type A or AB blood with no CMV exposure is important for use in treating newborns, people with depressed immune systems, transplant patients, etc.

So PLEASE, if you have type A or AB blood, and you've been tested CMV NEGATIVE, donate blood and/or platelets as soon as you possibly can.


Staff Alumnus
I went at 2 PM and was told there was a 5 hour wait. I reserved my time and came back at 7 PM. Just got 45 minutes ago from giving blood. Those poor nurses were working since 7 AM because this was their normal blood drive day! The place was packed!


New member
I'll be donating tomorrow. The LA area Red Cross locations have been reportedly swamped with donors, but want to stay that way for the foreseable future. They'll like my O neg.

Rail Gun

New member
Just because your local center has it's space filled up doesn't mean they have enough blood. They're running out of blood in NYC. They need more. It's all we can do, for now. So please be generous and give blood, it saves American lives.
Thanks to you all!

I just got home from my Red Cross office an hour ago, where I am a disaster services volunteer. I just wanted to thank ALL OF YOU who have taken the time to make a blood and/or cash donation.

Yes, the donor centers are hectic, and there is a long wait BUT YOU ARE ALL STILL NEEDED.

Not just today or tomorrow, but in the weeks to come, the Red Cross will be needing your help.

Donate as soon as you can.

Thank you and God Bless.

Caeca Invidia Es

Staff Alumnus
Just because your local center has it's space filled up doesn't mean they have enough blood
Didn't say they had enough, just that they couldn't hold any more. They won't allow me to donate blood for personal reasons, but I did donate financially.