Girl Field Strips AR15


New member
They taught us Marines to do it in the dark and in the gas chamber. If you can teach it to a Marine, anyone with a standard, average IQ can learn to field strip an AR. But I like it!


New member
Oh come on, she had a towel there.

My bet is your right......squeaky clean.

My other bet is that it's her rifle.:D:D



New member
I think that would be even funnier to witness than the dad putting the rifle back together when the date arrives to take the girl to the prom. Have the dad cleaning his AR at the table. When the guy arrives the girl runs out to meet him at the door. The dad intercepts her and says "here Honey, put this back together for me." Then takes the boy under his arm for a little chat. The guy gets to see that the girl knows her way around a semi-automatic rifle and knows he's still dealing with "daddy's little girl." ;)


New member
Reminds me of when I was a Drill Sergeant at Ft. Dix, NJ.
Had to teach that to little females who had never held a firearm and some who were scared it would bite them.:D