GIFT: Ruger P85. Keep it or Sell it?


New member
Recently I was given a Ruger P85 as a gift. While I am grateful for the gun, I have read that the P85 had some issues. Mainly with the decocker accidentally causing it to discharge :eek: Supposedly they fixed this with the P85 MkII, but I don't think this one is the MkII. If there is, there are no markings stating so. I checked with a local gunshop and they said that they would give me $300 towards a trade.

Should I keep it or sell it?

Is that a good price for a used P85?

Maybe keep it because its unregistered?


New member
I see there are alot available in the 250 range on gunbroker, so if they will give you 300 store credit, AND it would not offend the gifter then go for it for sure.


New member

You could always re-gift it to me, I won't tell :D

But seriously $275-300 isn't bad..


New member
OP; if the gifter is not offended then go for it! I would ask them, first though, to make sure there isn't some emotional attachment to the gun and they gave it to you as a present, with this added meaning, for a special reason. If it simply happens they just had the gun, didn't want it, and figured you could put it to better use, than by all means you should be in the clear to trade it in and get something that you want more. Just make sure you show the gifter what you ended up getting, thank them for helping you, and then offer to take them shooting.


New member
+1 on contacting Ruger, get the thing updated for FREE, shoot it some... THEN decide whether you like it or not.


New member
@ jglsprings

Thank you for that link. I will contact Ruger and see how to go about getting this fixed.

My main concern was having an accidental discharge with the gun. If this can be fixed on the existing model, I will keep it. Thanks to all for your input.


New member
The only thing lacking with the P85/89 is pride of ownership. Stick with factory mags and ammo and they're one of the most reliable, hell for strong combat autos ever made. They easily hold their own with any other 9mm combat pistol out there, regardless of which side of the ocean they were made.


New member
SELL. I had a P89 before my S&W 5906 and the P89 felt like gravel was in the trigger. Honestly it felt like a cap gun. If your trigger is like that sell it, otherwise if you shoot well with it keep it. You could sell and get a better gun though my Smith is way nicer.


New member
Never, under almost any circumstances, sell a gift. The giver may see it as a reflection of the relationship. I depise Taurus, Bersa, Jennings, and Hi-Point, and would keep any one of them if gifted. Cleaned, oiled, and put in the safe...never to see the light of day unless the giver happens by :p

Have Ruger fix the AD issue, and enjoy!