Gift for parents?


New member
Both my mom and dad have their CHP but don't regularly carry their S&W Model 60 because of the weight and "inconvience" and the very "safe" area we live in. I actually saw my first Kel Tec P3AT in real life and was amazed at the small size! I feel that with it being so small and light that they would have no more excuses for not carrying 24/7. I asked my dad to get it, but he said "too many things going on now financially...blah, blah, blah", but "I sure wish you hadn't told me about that, been thinking about it all night".
Should I just go ahead and get it and give it to them? How do I "gift it"?
I want one too, but I am comfortable enough with "my buddies" on me 24/7 to not "need" the added concealability of the P3AT. I have read all the pros/cons of it, and although not completely convinced of it's reliability, I think it's better than than what they are currently carrying 24/7 (nothing)!
Can't beat his Model 60, but at least they'd be carrying all the time.
Should I just go ahead and get it and gift it? or not even bother?


New member
If they will not carry a S&W 60 I doubt there is much they would carry. Don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of people finding a more concealable weapon to allow 24/7 carry but there must be at least a little effort put in by the shooter to carry it first. If your parents will not even go through the minimal effort to carry the Model 60 I doubt something smaller will make a difference. This is especially since you state they already consider them selves "safe."

Perhaps the best thing you can do is to help them to pack what they have. Perhaps a well made holster will change their attitude on carrying by making it more comfortable? Many people who have only one gun and are not "into shooting" wind up with only one ill fitting holster. The few times they use it only reinforces the concept that packing is "uncomfortable" and a burden.


New member
You are absolutely right! But I tried that last year (buying them a quality holster). My mom wears elastic waisted pants and my dad won't slide a holster onto his belt (forget an IWB!!).
You are probably right about them not going through the minimal effort to carry and I am afraid you hit the nail on the head about that!
Anyone else have a stubborn, right to carry, fail to do so, father?
I think I'm gonna hafta create scenarios of what if----whatcha gonna do!?
Maybe it's a generational gap. Many of the 60+ yr olds grew up with firearms, but through the years the need of an armed citizen diminished and became a "if you are armed with a weapon, you are a bad guy. Or looking for trouble'!
Being in a "safe" area is wonderful! But being in a "safe" area unarmed is being a target. Maybe I should step up my retoric!


New member
ah, yes, elastic waistbands

....are a PAIN when trying to carry.

Maybe they'd do better with an alternative holster/whatever. Your mom (and, for that matter, your dad) might prefer a fanny pack for carrying. When you carry in a fanny pack, the weight of the gun doesn't bother you so much. And it doesn't matter whether you wear elastic waistband clothing or no waistband clothing. (I was wearing a skirt to the hubster's company Christmas party; an A-line, no waistband, just a rolled seam.... let us just say that IWB holsters do NOT work that way!) :eek:

Yes, fanny packs or CCW purses are less desirable than a holster, but many times they are the easiest way to carry. And better they carry than that they not.

Might give it a try. Show them exactly how to use it. Take 'em shooting with their new holsters and show them how they can draw if they need to. Tell them you'll feel better about their safety if they carry.

Good luck!



New member
ahh, springmom,
so much thanks for your reply!
unfortunately, no can do for fanny pack-type carry!
Mustketeer may be right in that there may be no hope no matter carry style!
I am afraid this is one of the cases of "it can't happen here" syndrome!
I don't want to beleagure(sp?) all the scenarios in which they may need a firearm because so few instances appear here (ok, none), but still!
Dad's a deacon, mom's a retired RN, they know the risks, but believe in the goodness of man. They are the ones that tought me to defend myfelf. They agree with the "me or them" mentality. It's just that the biggest news on the island, violence-wise, has been a police officer shot with a bb-gun!
Should I just go ahead and buy a Kel Tec P3AT and give it to them and hope for the best or not even bother?


New member
I say, go ahead and buy one for yourself. Let them handle it and see if they like it. If they do, then just say "I'm glad because it's yours now".


New member
you are spot on! What's the worst that can happen? I've got another handgun!
Ok, now, if they want it, how do I go about gifting it to them here in NC?
What hoops have I got to jump through?