Giesselle SSA or G2S


New member
I think I'd enjoy shooting my AR better if it had a better trigger and Giesselle keeps coming up. I think I understand that the SSA is better for home defense and so forth and the SSA-E for target shooting, and that the G2S is like the SSA but undergoes less testing and inspection. If this isn't right, someone please correct me before I start down the wrong road.

Assuming what I wrote is reasonably accurate, can someone comment on the reliability/durability of these triggers? It will go on my single AR, replacing the gritty Mil-Spec trigger.

Willie Lowman

New member
I put about 5000 rounds through a rifle with a G2S trigger and had no issues.

Now nearly all my AR's have SSA triggers. If you wait for them to go on sale, they are kind of reasonable.

100% would recommend Giesselle


New member
They're fine.
The trigger will outlast a dozen barrels and your lifespan.

If you want a cheaper alternative that is nearly as good for feel and geometry (and will also last longer than you will), take a look at the LaRue MBT.


New member
I've read they have good sales. Does anyone know when is the typical next time they might have a sale?

It's good to read they last a long time - that was my one hesitation.


New member
I shot both triggers before purchasing and went with the G2S and have absolutely no regrets. But if you don’t mind spending the money look into Elftman triggers, they’re unbelievable in how smooth they are.


New member
I bought a Gen 1 G2S-E when they were discontinued.
Probably my favorite AR trigger.

But I like 2-stage triggers.

I shoot a lot of surplus rifles and old commercial firearms with horrible triggers.
Having take-up in my better triggers helps keep me from causing premature discharge, because it is difficult to remember the pull weight and break feel for every rifle with a good single-stage trigger. I still have to remember for half a dozen, or so; but that is a lot easier than remembering for several dozen.
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