Giant 9/11 conspiracy?


If one accepts the bibical statement from the Creator himself,that the governments of men are evil then anything is possible.The prophet Daniel spoke of the rise of just such a government in the last days.


New member
Nope, don't buy it (BTW that's a loooong video).

Dubya may have used it to further his own agenda, but he wasn't a participant.


New member
I prefer Battlestar Galactica; it has much better cinematography and a more plausible storyline.


New member
One of my colleagues was on AA 11.

These wacked out conspiracy theories are a grave insult to the memory of those lost on 9/11.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

When my kid graduated from college, they have an honorary degree to a fireman's family who was working on his master's but died in the towers. They played Amazing Grace and I cried. Then the wife and child walked by me as I was near the aisle and I cried again.

Who needs such nuts? We don't.

Harley Quinn

Glenn if you wept is it OK for this?

Here is a news story about my question?
Top U.S. general weeps over immigrants
Tuesday, 11-Jul-2006 12:51PM CDT Story from United Press International
Copyright 2006 by United Press International (via ClariNet)


MIAMI, July 11 (UPI) -- Memories of his immigrant parents' experiences brought Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace to tears at a U.S. congressional hearing.

A Marine, Pace was testifying Monday in Miami, and became emotional as he described how his father worked several jobs to support his family after arriving in New York early in the last century.

Medal of Honor recipient Alfred Rasconalso also testified, the Chicago Tribune reported. He said none of his fellow soldiers cared that he was an immigrant when he threw himself on wounded comrades to shield them in Vietnam.

The hearings are taking place across the country during the summer before a conference committee convenes to review the House and Senate bills later this year.

The House bill is the harsher version that the Senate's and does not contain provisions for a guest worker program for immigrants who are willing register, learn English and pay taxes.

Many House Republicans are opposed to the guest concept, calling it an amnesty program.


Is this something that shows General Pace is under to much pressure and should resign?
Or is it just the "Yin and Yang" of man?

Here is a guy who is very well decorated. Many things to get emotional about and he picks this topic.
Hundreds of men dying in a war that is not quite up to snuff and he weeps over immigration.

Needs to resign or not? How can we hook this up to a gun topic?

If I say "think to many guns have gone off in his life time" will that help?
Or he has "seen to much death by gunfire"?



New member
The hearing with General Pace was a nice touch.

The information that nobody seemed to care about is whether the immigrants mentioned were "legal" or ilegal"

Its okay for Soldiers to cry..


New member
Regarding the 9/11 conspiracy, I can't get the video to run on my machine. However, I hope it's not the one with the claim that the scenes of the planes hitting the towers were computer generated images for television audiences. Every time I hear that, I want to scream, "Hello, McFly! Think, McFly! What about all the eye-witnesses on the ground and in surrounding buildings who saw the planes hit? What sort of miraculous 3-D image generator accounts for THAT?"