GI 1911's: Para GI Expert, Remington R1, or RIA?


New member
I have had the 45 bug for sometime now and have been looking at several different platforms based on the information from a previous thread a couple of months back. However, I always find myself coming back to the 1911 platform. I have settled on the three models listed below due to their competitive price point and overall good reviews.

RIA 1911 - NEW $400
Para GI Expert - NEW $470
Remington R1 - USED $499

I am wanting to hear the good, bad, and the ugly from any of you who have had some experience with one or more of these firearms.

My initial gut feeling is to go with the Remington, but I am concerned that it is used. It LOOKS to be in good condition. I asked the guy who owns the gunshop that it is at why it had been traded in and he said that the owner said it was shootng low but since has been sent to Remington and fixed.

Of the three listed, which should I choose???
I have shot both the RIA and Para GI Expert and found both to be excellent pistols. In addition, on the forum at both get consistently high marks from owners.

I can't recall anyone saying much good about the Remington. I certainly wouldn't pay MORE for a used Remington than I'd pay for a NEW Rock Island or Para GI Expert.


New member
I went with the RIA. It will be in on monday. Bought because of feedback and because I know I will be customizing. Why by a more expensive model when I will be building it up anyhow. I can get the Para for only a few bucks more where I work my part time job, and probably will in a month or 2.


New member
I have experience with both the Para and the RIA, but not the Remington so I cannot offer advice there. However both the Para and RIA are excellent entry level 1911's. A buddy bought his Para the same time I bought mine and we have both found our guns to be extremely tight and well fitted. Neither of us has had any problems with the possible exception that the magazines that came with the gun have some rather sharp edges which we both fixed by ever so gently filing and smoothing out.

My RIA is also an excellent shooter and most reliable. I have no complaints except I had to immediately change the grips that came on the RIA as the originals were probably some of the ugliest wood grips I had ever had come with a gun. Other than that, a nice range gun which doubles as a HD gun. Same for the Para.