Ghost Trigger System for Glock....


Active member
So, I purchased one of those Ghost trigger systems (connector) for my Glock 17 at a gun show. The sales guy was convincing that the little bar would greatly improve trigger feel.

So, I purchased the device, installed it - took some time to get it to fit and get the trigger to work. Dry fired the gun a few times - feels about the same to me. I'll have to try it out next time at the range.

Do any of you have any experience, positive or negative with this Ghost Trigger Connector?


Ghost makes several different connectors. Sounds like you have the Ghost Rocket. I tried it, but found it to be a little too mushy for me. Prefer the Lonewolf Distributors connector, then Ghost Ultimate, then Scherer.


New member
The Ghost Rocket makes the trigger pull shorter. I have one in both my Glocks. It also makes the reset shorter. The trigger doesn't have to travel as far. The shorter trigger pull feels better to me. Might not be good for everyone though.


Active member
Update on Ghost Rocket install.

Well, my Glock still works flawlessly. But, I honeslty can't tell any difference in the feel of the trigger.


New member
I installed a ghost rocket and could not tell a lot of difference, but I do like the over-travel stop aspect of it.
I don't dislike it, but I didn't say "Wow, that is really cool!" either.


New member
I have the Ghost Ultimate because it didn't need any fitting. When I installed it at home and dry-fired it I was less than impressed. Shooting it at the range was another story. The difference between it and my stock setup was night and day. I know I have a different model than you, but go shoot it at the range and see if you feel the same way.


Active member
Update: I did take my Glock to a private range a couple of weeks ago - and yes, I did seem to shoot better with it. I can't say that I noticed a huge difference in the trigger, but I was hitting at longer ranges than I used to. Jurry's still out - I'll have to play with this a little more and perhaps put the stock piece back in to see if I can tell the difference.