ghost ring/ pistol

mill hunky

New member
has anyone used or have any info on ghost rings for a pistol. does it help w/ target pickup faster say at a 25yd range. just for target shooting. and is there any info on the site about front site shooting?


New member
A peep sight, to work properly, has to have the peep close to the eye .There the eye automatically centers the peep to the eye. It doesn't work if the peep is 2' from the eye. It's been known for 100 years that the Patridge sight is the best handgun sight.It has a square notch and square post.

mill hunky

New member
thank you mete

i know what a peep sight is, i know what the sights are on a pistol. they sell ghost rings for pistols, i just wondered if anybody used them, or had heard anything about them! i have a 357 that i haven`t used the sights on for over 2o years. but i just found out that i have the early stages of cataracts and i was looking for a solution, except a scope, which i may have to go to anyway to keep enjoying shooting. your advice didn`t even come close to my question, thanks anyway. and i do have a pistol, that`s different from a wheel gun ???isn`t it?


New member
Ghost rings are fine for pistol, but they are kind of largish and not too great for longer ranges. Fine for close work though!

I think the easiest to see and use would be the reflex style red dot sights like the OKO.


New member
on my guns, for my eyes

My 1911 wears a Caspian ghost-ring blade in a BoMar base, using a .060" fiber-optic rod front.
Works for me.
Oneamy cop-friends runs a fixed ghost-ring rear / front fiber-optic rod on his Glock M22 duty gun; works for him.

I've tried many sights, and have at this point ended up with Millett orange-ramp front sight blades / standard rear notch on all my revolvers (Ruger DA's), painted front blades (pink-red flourescent Testors model paint) / rear notch on my EAA Witnesses, and said 1911 arrangement.

FOR ME, the ghost-ring fuzzes out as my eye centers automatically the front rod.

Just got another 1911; gonna try something else (again; I've spent plenty before....).


New member
I found the ghost-ring sights to be slightly faster at closer distances (~10 yards) but my accuracy suffered at longer ranges. My groups were in the 6-8" range at 25 yards.