GF wants her own .22. Sig Mosquito?


New member
My GF has small hands and "SHORT" fingers. (SHORT - not stubby fingers --- correction from GF).

She is getting more serious about shooting. So, we got a Kahr K9 which fits her hand very well. She picked it over an Xdm which was OK but the Kahr felt better to her.
Before the Kahr, she used my 1911 9mm with a short trigger and thin grips and sometimes a P6 with a short trigger and shaved grip when she shot it.

She shoots my Buckmark (mostly), Ruger MKxx, and S&W 41 which according to her are livable but trigger reach and grip are compromised becuase they do not fit her well.
She wants a pistol that fit hers well for cheaper (defensive/action pistol type) practice. She wants a Sig Mosquito.

I am worried about the pot metal on the Sig Mosquito.
Go ahead with the Sig or shop around for others (what else?)?
Another possibility is a Beretta 87.

She has said NO to the following:
1. Full sized 1911 .22 --- Why spend; just keep using my Buckmark.
2. Bersa .22
3. Walther P22
4. Small Browning 1911 .22 --- Expensive and does not lock open on last shot.
5. Ruger 22/45.
6. beretta 21

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New member
I'd suggest looking at the M&P22 as well. To my knowledge, it's made by Carl Walther and then imported by Smith and Wesson. It's the same size and controls as the full size M&Ps, so it works fairly well for defensive practice. My mother and sister enjoy shooting mine, and the ergonomics are fantastic IMO. I wouldn't say they have small hands, pretty much the definition of average. I was looking at a Misquito, but due to reliability worries (justified or not) I went with the M&P. Both feel pretty alright in my hands, but I'd say the M&P is slightly better for me. Of course, your mileage may vary.

Can't speak on the others, but I bought my M&P a while back and haven't regretted it once.


New member
It's a no-brainer,,,

She wants a Sig Mosquito.

It's a no-brainer,,,
Get her a Sig Mosquito.
Even though I would never recommend the gun,,,
I believe in the principle of "If Mama ain't happy, then no one is happy."

You can always say I told you so later,,,
If you dare. ;)

But first show her a Ruger SR22,,,
It's almost the exact same form factor,,,
And by all reports is a pretty nice shooting fieryarm.




New member
loose holster dan,
She already read this thread.
She corrected me on the wording.
She said that they are not stubby. She told me I should have written "Short fingers".

I will be more careful next time.
She was not offended. She just laughed at how i pick the best words.


No to the beretta 21a but you made me thing of the 87 .22 as a possibility.
She has not tried the 87 and do not know if there is one for rent locally.


New member
Hello pilpens,,,

I own a Beretta 87,,,
It's a great gun but low capacity.

It only holds 8 rounds,,,
It's also very pricey,,,
I paid $666.66 new.

Here is it in comparison to a Bersa Thunder 380.

Actually this is the Beretta Model 85 in .380,,,
But It's the same exact size as the Model 87 in .22 LR.


Now I'll tell you I love my Beretta Cheetah 87,,,
It's one of the classiest pistols out there,,,
But in reality the Bersa shoots as well,,,
Holds two more rounds in it,,,
Sells for less than half.




New member
Don't buy a SIG Mosquito, it's a piece of you-know-what. It's not even made by SIG. Why a company known for outstanding quality would chose to put their name on something like that is beyond me.

Sure, I'll bet some people like them and don't experience too many problems, but I work in a gun shop and I can tell you that too many people have more problems with it than should be acceptable from a .22 semi-auto pistol, let alone a SIG.
Don't buy a SIG Mosquito, it's a piece of you-know-what. It's not even made by SIG. Why a company known for outstanding quality would chose to put their name on something like that is beyond me.

Sure, I'll bet some people like them and don't experience too many problems, but I work in a gun shop and I can tell you that too many people have more problems with it than should be acceptable from a .22 semi-auto pistol, let alone a SIG.

Leave him alone his girly wants it!!!


New member
Beretta 87.....easy to field strip & clean , functions reliably with good ammo , and is a blast to shoot ! It is not as easy to shoot consistent dead on groups as my model 41 Smith or its brother the Model 87 Target but it is a nice well made pistol for its type and should fit smaller hands nicely !


New member
Hey, if she says she wants the Beretta,,,

Beretta 87.....easy to field strip & clean , functions reliably with good ammo , and is a blast to shoot !

Very true,,,
I agree wholeheartedly,,,
But it's still hugely 'spensive

They have gone up a bit since I bought mine,,,
I just now requested a price from Buds Gun Shop.

Dear Aarond Graham,
Here is the price quote you requested on our item,
Beretta 87 Cheetah .22 Long Rifle 22 lr Blue Wood,
listed on for MSRP:

We will sell it to you for $720.00. (The price does include shipping.)
Prices on our website are updated every twenty mins and as a result the price of this item could change.

So Pilpens,,,
Better buy the Mosquito now,,,
Before she decides she wants the Beretta Cheetah. ;)




New member
I'd have never thought the Mosquito was a good fit for short fingers. Has she held the Mosquito already?


I really liked the way the Mosquito felt in my hand. But I can't remember it feeling much slimmer or a shorter reach to the trigger than my 229.

On the other hand...

My 10yo daughter can shoot my SR22 pretty well, but if she doesn't like the looks of a p22 she may not care for the Ruger.


New member
Constantine posted:
Leave him alone his girly wants it!!!
Ha, yeah, he'll get grief from her now, but I figure I'm saving him from the nasty bump he'll receive when she hits him over the head with the gun after it malfunctions one too many times.
I have small hands and stubby fingers (for a male)....and I second the Beretta 87 and Ruger SR22 suggestions....the SR22 feels a little cheaper and has a bit more recoil. The Beretta has a better trigger, and is a little sexier but may not be quite as accurate....and it'll cost twice as much as the Ruger.

You should certainly let her decide what she wants, but, depending on if she's a KEEPER or not, she'd appreciate the Beretta if you bought it and gifted it to her.

I promise she'll thank you for it in a way that you'll like. Beretta=diamonds.


New member
Skip the Mosquito. Cool looking gun but reputation is questionable (OK, very questionable). Ya, you want her to be happy but she ain't gonna be happy clearing jams all the time and waiting for the gun to get back from warranty work is she? The SR22 has promise and my Bersa T22 is OK but keep in mind the DA/SA guns put that trigger rather far forward for the first shot. I'm not saying she would have problems with the reach but it's not gonna be much if any better than the SA only triggers of guns like the Browning and Ruger MK's. Personally I'll put function before looks which means Ruger and Browning SA's pretty much put the others in the dust on the reliability, value and longevity fronts.