Getting the "bugs" out of an FAL


New member
I recently traded for an FAL built on a Coonan receiver with an Imbel parts kit. I shoots straight (MUCH better than I expected), but just seems to have a glitch or two. I took a little of the "shoulder" off the magazines - that helped. I cleaned all the funky stuff out of it that I could find. I even Dremeled a burr from the ramp on the bolt carrier.

But still the rifle will occasionally hang up, the bolt carrier not completely dropping all the way down over the bolt when it is cycled to load the chamber, and occasionally when shooting the rifle.

Any suggestions about how to slick up the action on my FAL?


New member
shoot it more, check for wear points, stone the wear points smooth.

Or just shoot it more.



New member
Is the gas stsem adjusted correctly ?
Check that first.

Then check the headspace, it may be just a hair too tight, the locking shoulder may need to be stoned a little.

You may have to replace the inner & outer return springs with new springs, the ones installed may be used up, due to the fact that came from a surplus parts kit.


New member
Common causes of the bolt carrier not fully closing & locking the bolt.

1. Gas system short stroking. If it extracts & ejects with the empties going 10~15 feet this isn't the problem.

2. Grease or excess oil in the recoil spring tube. (see #1)

3. Headspace. Check with go no go field gages with the extractor removed.

4. The extractor is contacting the inside of the cutout at the rear of the barrel. (look for wear marks & stone down the extractor till it fits.)

5. Extractor & bolt carrier are jamming up as the action goes into battery. Try a fired case, or dummy round with the bolt & carrier removed from the rifle. insert the case as it would be when in the rifle. Now try to close & lock the bolt & carrier by pushing the bolt up & back into the carrier. If it sticks the outside edge of the extractor is too wide. It'll jam when there is a case rim pushing it outwards, but not when empty.

Several things happen as the carrier moves that last 1/4", so you have to go thru them one-by-one to find the problem.


New member
Ck out what wogpotter is saying. His right on the money. Checking the gas adjusment would be my 1st step, and it's the easiest fix. It's usually the problem.
