Getting it on Paper


New member
I'm heading to the range weekend after next with a friend's Garand. I would like to have the first shots on paper at 200 yards to save embarassment and wasted ammo trying to figure out which way to go. I can shoot at 50 yards tomorrow and would like to know where it should hit to be on paper at 200. Anybody have an idea? Thanks in advance!


New member
If you are shooting in relatively stable conditions (low wind, humidity) and are around 5" high at 25 yards, you should be on paper at 200. I may be wrong, and I'm sure I'll find out shortly. :D


New member
As I recall, the following should help, though what size is the "paper"? Crank the elevation all the way down. Then, counting clicks, 12 clicks of elevation should put you "on" at 200. This asumes 1 minute clicks for elevation. For windage, unless you know different, set windage to "mechanical zero".

The elevation might vary a little, if the M-1 you are going to shoot is .308, rather than 30-06.


New member
You might try calling your local gunstore and sweet talking them into letting you use a boresighter, some may even charge 5 or 10 dollars, or find a friend with one.


New member

Most Garands will be on paper @ 200 yds w/8 clicks elevation and mechanical zero for windage. If you start there and can shoot it at 50 yards, using M2 ball or equivalent, zero to hit 1.3" high @ 50, you should be 2.3" high at 100 and zeroed @ 200 yds.

If you zero @ 100 yds, come up 3 clicks for 200 yds. This holds true for either 308 or 30-06.



New member
I got mine with the settings for 100 yds

4 clicks of elevation had it in the 10 ring of a centerfire target at 200 yds using 30-06 M2 Ball. :)


New member
I guess I should have been a little more specific. It is a 30-06 with the military peep sight. I want to be about 6.5" high at 200 yards (13" bullseye). Sounds like I need to be 3 or 4 inches high at 50. Thanks!


New member
3.0" high @ 50 yds will put you approx. 5.6" high at 100 and 6.5" above point of aim at 200 yds.
