getting 'em started early....

Chris Pinkleton

New member
I finally got my stepson out to the range with me --- it took some talking with his mom, but she agreed that when he turned 12, maybe it wouldn't be TOO dangerous :) .

So, the Sunday after his birthday, we went on his first shooting trip. We took my 2 pistols ( a H&R .22 and a G33 --- yeah, a mis-matched pair, I know) and rented a 4" S&W M65 at the range(my boy picked it over a SP101 after handling both pistols--I guess smaller isn't always better for smaller hands). I started him off with the H&R, which he didn't have the slightest problem with--except for the fact the pistol seems to hate Federal .22 cheapo HP's with a passon. I couldn't even manage anything resembling a "group" at 10 yards ( I swear its not me! Really! The H&R grouped fine with Eleys last time...) and of course, my stepson faired no better. Probably not the most confidence-building first shooting experience... :(

Luckily, the Smith with 130 FMJs was a much better experience for both of us. He stayed with SA mode firing and did better than I did shooting for the first time at age 15! I, for some reason, did better shooting all-DA groups. :confused:

I let him touch off one round (all I put in the magazine for him) of .357Sig in the G33--after warning him repeatedly about the recoil and blast. I have to give him credit--he controlled the muzzle rise very well--but one was definitely ENOUGH for him. Ah well, he'll be hitting his growth spurt soon & 357Sig ammo is pricey enough for just me to shoot, anyway.

We're going again tomorrow, with a friend of mine and his newly-acquired S&W M64 (his grandfather's old police carry gun --- don't freak all you boycott-reminders out there :) ) I wonder when my stepson will start outshooting me---probably way too soon.

Special thanks to the frendly folks at Personal Defence & Handgun Safety Center in Raleigh for helping make William's first experience with firearms a good one!

Be Safe,


New member
Congrats, its always good to see someone introducing someone young to shooting!

i find a 22 a great way to start, but check out the ammo first, kid will think he sucks, it doesn't have to be great, but try different cheap ammo, cci blazer, is usually some of the descent stuff out there, as with american eagle, or anything for about a buck or so a box.

my nephew at 13 LOVED my 686 with full power loads. couldn't get enough of it... flinched a bit, but loved the fireball!

Chris Pinkleton

New member
We're going on a shopping trip to pick up several types of (hopefully better) .22 ammo before we hit the range tomorrow. :)

I won't put the boy through that again.....


New member

Way to go! I've really enjoyed the times I've gone shooting with my kids. They always enjoyed firing .22's, as much for the low noise level as the mild recoil. Gradually they worked their way up to centerfire handgun and rifle, and some shotgun.

I distinctly remember the thrill and pleasure of first shooting a firearm with my father and brother. It was a rite of passage and another step toward responsibility and adulthood. I wanted my kids to experience that as well, and they did.

For a purely selfish reason, I advocate getting youth interested in the shooting sports. If we don't get our young folks interested, we'll eventually see our own opportunities disappear.

Every opportunity I get, I invite my children's friends along. Every single time, we go over the four basic rules of safety, and then I make sure that we have a lot of fun. I never leave any doubt that I'll take anyone off the line if they're not obeying the safety rules. To date, it has never been a problem.

Hope your day at the range goes well. Good shooting!