Getting carry permit at first opportunity; who else?


New member
6 years ago, at the age of 15, I decided that I would apply for a Florida CWFL at the earliest opportunity.

My state of residence has changed, as I now live in Oregon, but the age for getting a carry permit is the same in Oregon as it is in Florida, which is 21 years of age.

Regardless of my personal feelings on that particular age restriction (I have written legislation to lower the age to 18 in Florida, but no one would bite), I'm looking forward to my birthday.

On 11/10, I'm getting plastered. :) I have to wait a day since it's veterans day on the 11th, but on Tuesday (or the first day off from work), I'm going down to Washington County Sheriff's Office in Hillsboro, OR, and applying. I'll have an appointment the next day off I have, and in less than 45 days, I'll have my CHL. :)

Anyone else here "first time at first opportunity" permit holders?


New member

No need to go down to hillsboro, just call up the Washington County Sheriff CHL division, and they will send you an application, which will take 2-3 days to arrive. They actually tried to talk me into getting an applicaion!!! As for taking your next day off for your appointment, doesn't quite work out that way. What they will do is take about 1 1/2 weeks to send you confirmation regarding your application, as well as give you a time and date to appear at the Sheriffs to get fingerprinted and such. Show up early, and you might get finished early. They will tell you the date that your permit will expire on, which will be 4 years from the effective date, which will be 3 weeks from when your appointment is. Expect your permit within a few days after that effective date. I think mine took 22-24 days.

Have you already taken the required class? If not, then i suggest you get it taken care of. I took my class at the GunBroker in Tigard, cost $35, and was a wealth of information.

Good luck, and be safe.



New member
From a Native Oregonian ......Welcome...hope you brought an umbrella!:D

The required course is easy...Just alot of info on gun safety and the like..


New member
No need to go down to hillsboro, just call up the Washington County Sheriff CHL division, and they will send you an application, which will take 2-3 days to arrive.

My work is actually just across the street from the East Precinct, and I already have an application in hand.

They actually tried to talk me into getting an applicaion!!! As for taking your next day off for your appointment, doesn't quite work out that way. What they will do is take about 1 1/2 weeks to send you confirmation regarding your application, as well as give you a time and date to appear at the Sheriffs to get fingerprinted and such.Show up early, and you might get finished early. They will tell you the date that your permit will expire on, which will be 4 years from the effective date, which will be 3 weeks from when your appointment is. Expect your permit within a few days after that effective date. I think mine took 22-24 days.

Not quite. Due to the nature of my work, it may be totally impossible for me to arrive except at a certain time and place that must be negotiated with me beforehand. Adding "please call me at my home number to negotiate an appointment" somewhere on the app, will cause them to call my home to schedule. I check my voicemail from work often, and can call them up during lunch to schedule.

Have you already taken the required class? If not, then i suggest you get it taken care of. I took my class at the GunBroker in Tigard, cost $35, and was a wealth of information.

Got it from my Florida CCW class from a few months ago. 2 hour course on CCW and handgun safety, cost me 35 bucks. Gonna use it to get my FL permit in January after the switchover from Department of State to Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.


New member
From a Native Oregonian ......Welcome...hope you brought an umbrella!

I'm more worried about the cold. It's gonna get below freezing tonight in Beaverton/Aloha/Hillsboro area.

Btw, if you're both Oregonians, where are you guys?