Getting back to "normal"


New member
It seems to me in the past week, at least in my area that AR's are starting to stick around on the shop shelves. I don't think the high prices can be maintained. ( I understand supply and demand) This isn't a bash on shops selling a $550 dollar rifles for $1,150, people buy it that's their choice, problem. This is just simply saying I am seeing them stick around a lot longer and to see if others are seeing this trend. If this continues we should start to see prices return to "normal" or am I just crazy.


New member
Let's remember this whole debacle is not a partisan liberal vs. republican bullhonkey. There's a lot of liberals that are against gun control, and republicans that are for it. Heck, I'm neither side and proud of it, and the last thing we need is to alienate good people fighting the good fight over silly party lines.

With regards to "normality", I think the furor has slowed down because there's no more "attractive" inventory to be had. Once production catches back up, we'll see things moving again, at slightly lower prices. Until that bill gets killed, it'll be like this, some sort of strange, calm but tense buying game.


New member
Nothing's getting back to normal as far as ammo goes.

.22LR, 9mm, .223, and 7.62x39mm are still non-existant here.


New member
Good point, I try not to align myself on one sixe or the other of the devils hand. I just hope I can find a decent deal on a 10/22, going to have my sapreaser before a rifle to use it with.


New member
I don't see anything close to normal around here. Ammo is still scare as all hell. Dealer and stores have minimal inventory.


New member
I have confidence in the manufacturing potential of the US industrial complex. It will return to normal pretty quickly once hoarders and panic buyers quit their nonsense. In the local gun shops around here, there are ARs available (admittedly at ridiculous prices still), and some ammo is appearing.

The good thing about the panic buying is that it has cleared out a lot of old inventory and freed up a lot of money for gun shops.


New member
I see demand leveling off or everyone is broke from the "shock wave" lol yeah, there are alot of pro-gun democrats and liberals.

Strafer Gott

New member
You would consider that a military industrial complex the size of ours should not have run out of ball ammo in the first place.


New member
I too have noticed that prices are slowly starting to revert back to normal and the supply is starting to catch back up with demand. The guns are at least out there now, but the aksing prices are still elevated above normal.

I think some people are starting to realize that Feinstein's new bill is pretty much dead in the water as democratic senators aren't willing to risk their seats over it. The only chance it has is if it gets some heavy ammendments that limit it to restricting mag capacity and mandating universal background checks.

I'm also guessing that the number of people who are willing and capable of dropping $3,000+ on a $1,000 rifle is growing smaller and smaller everyday. There's only so many folks out there who are willing to pay that price and have the money laying around to do so, and I'm betting that most of them have already acted and used up their dispossible funds on guns they will probably never shoot.


New member
Ammo is still pretty scarce, but guns are getting back to normal. I had one of my local Wal-Marts call me this week to let me know that they had a couple Colt 6920s that just came in, said if I wanted one they would give me 24hrs. I passed on it because I already have 4 ARs not that I wouldn't mind owning another especially a Colt.


New member
I don't know about other parts of Cali, but in my area, it doesn't really seem like the political environment really changed a whole lot. The assault rifles are still plentiful, but some of the rarer ones fly off the shelves at crazy prices. 9mm ammo is a little scarce, but all the other common calibers seem to be abundant. 2/3 of the gun shops here double as indoor ranges though, maybe that has something to do with it?

Metal god

New member
yep it's slowing down for sure :rolleyes:. 30rd mags @ PSA lasted about 1hr today before selling out :cool:. lately they have been selling out in minutes . :eek: . I've been looking at many sites 2 and 3 times a day for a couple of months now and i was really surprised those mags took that long to sell out . The thing that gets me is the 22lr ammo . Whats up with that :confused: . That will be the last thing banned so why stock up on that ? It does not have the shelf life of center fire ammo . I went out last week and shot some 18 year old 22lr ammo and some 38sp of the same age . all the 38 ammo shot fine and grouped fine . The 22 stuff OMG , about 40% of them shot so bad they did not even hit the 4'x4' target board 50yds away . Some the power was so reduced i had to stop shooting and make sure they did not plug the bore :eek: .

Back to the OP Prices IMO will not come down for months if not a year or so . right now its all about reloading stuff for me . I have bought some stuff already at normal price and back ordered a bunch a stuff at good prices . Like I said above . I've been looking at these sites everyday for a while and have found some good deals . Just picked up the Hornady lock-n-load classic kit for $260 , 4,000 primers for $120 delivered . The stuff is out there you just have to be looking for it A LOT !!


New member
Shok I am an extreme liberal. They are not talking about liberals they are talking about anti gunners. Which are conservative as often as liberal.

I think its pretty far from normal but I think maybe the worst of the panic buying is over. Maybe things were not as bad around here but we still have places with AR15s at around msrp and lots of other things in stock at local retailers. I would never pay msrp personally but to each his own. Ammo supplies have been iffy but I was at scheels in waterloo and they had hundreds of pounds of powder 19-22$ ish wide variety as well. I'm not sure there was any ammo sold out other then 223, the other common stuff was in stock.

I could be wrong but I think obama is pushing this so hard so he can use it for a horse trade on things he really cares about. Time will tell I guess


New member
Shok I am an extreme liberal. They are not talking about liberals they are talking about anti gunners. Which are conservative as often as liberal.
In general, that is not true. By definition, conservatives are anti-regulation and liberals are pro-regulation. Of course, this is not the classic definition of the terms "conservative" and "liberal", but it is the practical definition by today's standard. But, we are talking generalities. And this is off topic, but I felt compelled to combat the obfuscation to which liberals are so prone.

Back on topic. The rimfire vacuum caught me by surprise as well. In my major metropolitan area, the shelves are devoid of any rimfire ammo, even .17 caliber. The truck comes to the local Wally World on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and within 90 minutes the trifling restock is sold out.

What has been interesting is that certain ammo remains in stock, to wit:
- hunting shotshells
- varmint cartridges such as 22-250
- big game cartridges such as 270 Win, 300 WM, 7mm Mag

Handgun ammo, and anything that can be chambered in a military style rifle remains scarce, however.

I could be wrong but I think obama is pushing this so hard so he can use it for a horse trade on things he really cares about. Time will tell I guess
Actually, if he remains true to character, he is pushing hard because he is arrogant and thinks because he go re-elected, he can do what he wants in the model of a king and not as a servant to the country. But, I digress. Will somebody please keep me on topic?? ;)


New member
Unless your local Wal Mart is very small (one entrance small) they should get a truck every day. Ammo can show up on any of the trucks. At mine UPS how's up from about 9:30-10:30 am and 1:00-2:30pm do deliver. It's not really know if guns are coming until they are unloaded. Also be very glad if they are willing to put you on a list for guns as that is a gray area for company policies. I work AP at mine so take my comments with a grain of salt, as all are a little deferent.


New member
I'm starting to see more pistol caliber ammo available at the various gun shops around here, both at the big chains and the smaller, local ones. Any kind of .223/5.56 is still pretty scarce, though. Now if 75 grain .224 bullets would start showing up...