Getting AA#5 to burn completely (9x18)


New member
I have a lot of AA#5.
I bought a large quantity because I liked how it behaved in 9x19mm.

Then I used it for .45 ACP, and didn't like it. Lots of flakes of unburned powder in the gun. Annoying to clean. Same result in .38 spl.

Now I'm getting ready to load some 9x18 Makarov, and AA#5 is the most appropriate powder I have on hand. I'm not eager to go out and spend money on a new different kind of powder, especially since I have so much of this stuff around.

Is there anything I can do when loading to ensure more complete burning of the powder?


New member
I have not loaded for 9x18 before; this will be the first time.
I am using 95gr plated bullets.
Accurate Arms lists 4.7 grains as a start load and 5.2 grains as a max load - however this data is for lead bullets, not plated. AA apparently does not publish data for plated bullets in 9mm mak. I have always heard that the lead bullets data is a close approximation for start loads when using plated bullets (ie; do not use the data for jacketed bullets).

My pistol is an East German 9mm Mak.
Some of this may be shot from a CZ 82 also.


New member
You did not list your pistol.

Speer lists a max load with jacketed bullet at 6.3 gr AA5. Start you loading at 4.7 and work up in 0.3 grain increments.

If you are shooting a Mackarov, then it will be no problem. Other pistols, such as FEG, should have a slight reduction in max.


New member
You did not list your pistol.

Dude, re-read right above, post #3 in this thread: "My pistol is an East German Mak."

Appreciate your suggestions however.
Is there any reason to go lower loads for a CZ 82? Soft bullets and a polygonal barrel perhaps?


New member
Sorry about missing the listing of your pistol. I skip over the signature lines so much that I completely ignored those lines.:eek:

The CZ82 was built by the Czechs to accomodate the USSR demands for them to have sidearms in 9X18. The CZ82 was designed to shoot hotter ammunition than the Soviet ammo2, and the Soviet ammo was hotter than anything loaded today under SAAMI specs. So there is no reason to believe you cannot shoot full loads in it.

You should make sure the bullets are hard cast for polygonal barrels, and check them often to see at which round count, if any, they get leading in the barrel. Also check the chamber where the case mouth ends. Leading can occure there in some circumstances which results in subsequent rounds not going into battery.

Do not try to shoot leading out by firing jacketed bullets, as they will iron the lead flat and make it harder to remove.


New member
I've just started loading for my EG Makarov using RCBS carbide dies, I've loaded and shot about 300 rnds, 250 with Meister hard cast 93gr(.365) LRN and 50 with Sierra 100gr JFP(.363)
As for the LRN ,I tried with Bullseye, W321 and AA#5 of these powders I liked 5.6gr of #5 for best accuracy, I started at the middle and worked from there. The primers I used were WSP my COL is .969 I tried this combo with trimmed 9x19 brass and 5.4gr of #5 all of these loads with the .365 LRN worked flawlessly and with no leading, I have not had good accuracy with the .363 sierra, I need to slug the barrel.
Here's some data :)
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Getting complete powder burning depends on the peak pressure you get to. The 9x19 has a SAAMI max of 35,000 psi. The 9x18 has 26,000, the .45 ACP has 21,000, and the .38 Special has 17,000 psi maximum. Obviously, your loads for the .38 Special and the .45 ACP were a bit too low in peak pressure to burn that powder well. Your loads for the 9x19 were not. The 9x18 falls in between, so I can't say whether it will get where you need to go or not? May as well try it.


New member
Oops, I forgot to mention the expander/seater plug on my RCBS dies was a bit over sized, according to my calibrated Starrett micrometer the plug measured .3635" I turned it down to .3625" for better neck tension, and with the Meister .365 dia LRN I may have upped the start pressure for my AA#5 loads because this powder has burned completely at 5.6gr. To much powder in a straight blow back action can leave unburnt powder.
I'm also using a 19# recoil spring, the stock spring for the Makarov PM is 17#


New member
Thanks for the info, all :)

.45 Marlin, budgeting does not allow me to mess with powders I don't have in stock at this time. Hopefully that will change in the future.

I do have a large amount of 700x, but can't find any load data for the Mak with it.

UncleNick, I was guessing pressure might be the relevant variable. I think you are probably right on.
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